Xi Jinping snubs EU-China anniversary summit

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Chinese President C Jin Azsin has refused to celebrate the preliminary invitation to Brussels to celebrate the 50th anniversary of connections, as the EU is in doubt the sincerity of the last Chinese graves.

Beijing’s EU officials said that China’s second-ranking leader Lee King will meet with presidents in Brussels and the Commission peak Rather than XI, two people familiar to the question said.

EU-China’s hosting is traditionally alternatively between Brussels and Beijing. The Prime Minister usually participates in the summit BrusselsAnd the XI takes it to Beijing, but the EU believes that the importance of this meeting in memory of half a century of diplomatic relations.

Both sides say that the talks have continued, but the initial snack in Brussels, in the opinion that China will not increase its warm words, in the face of the need to attack US President Donald Trump.

This year’s summit comes especially for EU-China relations.

In 2022, tensions between Brussels and Beijing increased from Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, and the EU accuses China’s supporting the Kremlin. The bloc also sets tariffs on the import of Chinese electric vehicles, claiming that they are subsidized.

EU officials say that China had a 304.5 billion euros worth of deficit with the bloc, not doing enough trade, reducing its industry subsidies in the world’s second largest economy.

“The relationship is on the ice,” said the high-ranking EU diplomat. “It is not a change of tone. Their policy will not change, and the same is true for us. “

Former open China Ambassador to France Lou Shach, who is currently the European Special Representative of Beijing, says that China’s policy has always “protected peace, friendship, cooperation and cooperation.”

“This has never changed. It’s just that the opposition against the current US policy towards Europe makes China’s policy toward Europe even more visions, just and reasonable. I hope this can serve as an awakening call [for Europe]”He said.

It is known as the “Wolf Fighter” diplomat caused rapidly in Europe last year when he asked whether Crimea was in the sovereignty of the EU, Estonia and Latry.

The appointment of China’s diplomatic connection with Europe viewed by some commentators as a hardening of Beijing’s attitude, but at the same time another EU diplomat said: “There is a number of Chinese charms.”

“China even said that Europe should have a place at the negotiating table [in Ukraine peace talks]”The diplomat added. “I also talk less about EU-China commercial contacts. They still exist, but less attention is paid to it. “

EU Trade Manager Marosh Shief Krovich is going to visit China at the end of this month. Spain Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares Told the financial times last month Which EU should also see potential opportunities? When China “can be a partner, let’s take advantage of it,” Albarese said.

In February, the President of the European Commission Ursula Der Lire said that while the EU will retain “risk” by defending its industry.

The 25% Target of Trump has made the EU respond to the EU, as industry groups warn of the damage. But the EU’s senior official said in the center of attention, when it came to China, protective funds from the United States to keep the Chinese products from the United States.

The EU opened an antitrust investigation on Friday against Chinese exports used to produce nylon and many other products. It is the 11th case from October, including sweets, metal screws and candles.

“Informal discussions continue as the date of the EU’s summit on the Chinese summit, and the level of representation said,” said the EU official.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that “no information has no information on that issue.”


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