Why Stephen Spielberg could not direct the rain man

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If you are one of the greatest directors in the history of films, the project’s launch becomes common. It was one of the problems faced by Stephen Spielberg when he had to cancel the “rain man” in favor of another major project in the works after a long discussion. In the 1988 movie in the lead role Dastin Hoffman and Volume It is considered as one of the best films in both careers – the one to which Spielberg devoted a considerable amount of time before passing it to another director. While Barry Levinson told the story of Charlie Babbit (Cruz), who reunited with his remote and autistic brother Ryamon (Hoffman), Stephen Spielberg went to another vortex with one of the most favorite cinema’s favorite heroes Dad.

“Stephen Spielberg: Interview”, Revised and Updated “,” Stephen Spielberg: “Stephen Spielberg:” Stephen Spielberg: “Stephen Spielberg: Interviews, Revised and Updated,” explained why he had to say goodbye to the movie, which would eventually earn Hoffman and Levinson, shining gold statues for them Contribution. “I spent almost six months with a” rain man “, developing him with Dustin, Tom Cruz and (writer) Ron Bas,” Spielberg explained. “I continued to try to make the script the best and better when the stop date on January 12, at this time I would have to start shooting” Indy 3 “or we couldn’t make our 1989 memory day.” Unfortunately, over time, I needed Honor the decisions, and the obligations had to honor, which took advantage in connection with the cooperation of Spielberg with the two largest Hollywood stars.

The promise of George Lucas and Indian Jones stopped Spielberg from rain directing man

After building one of the most iconic franchise in history, Stephen Spielberg made sense to keep track of things when the third party came. Since 1977, the director followed George Lucas at every turn, when the Indian Jones was beaten up, so giving up on it to “Indiana Jones and the last crusade”, even in the case of a “rain man” to which he brought so much.

“When I saw that I was going to go on January 12, and I will have to leave” Indie 3 “, the promise I made George was more important than making a” rain man “,” Spielberg showed. “So with great regret because I really wanted to work with Dustin and Tom, I left the movie. “It was not a great loss for the director. At the time it was the second largest movie In the franchise after the “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and that even /Movie views the second best movie in the series. However, he still did not prevent Spielberg wonder: “What to do?” When the awards season is running out and the “rain man” received an impressive praise the director missed. However, Spielberg believed that if he was a project participant, a “rain man” may not even mention.

Stephen Spielberg believes that the rain man has not succeeded in his name

Many projects crossed Stephen Spielberg’s table, but he seemed almost relief that the “man’s rain” was the one that slipped. In 1990 Interview for “Movie ’90”, He confessed that when he felt a little enviable Oscar Sonnefield’s victory, he thought it might not be considered if his name was on the poster.

“I have a very strange relationship with Hollywood, and practically speaking if my name was on a” rain man “to shoot what the bars did, just my name was replaced by my own, I probably in my heart,” Don Don ” Thinking I was recognized as a director in this movie, “the director said.” And I’m not sure it would have won a lot of awards. “

It would have been eight more years before Spielberg went home from not only one but two awards from the Schindler List after nominated five times before. Who can say if he got it before? In any case, let’s not break the teeth over this and we will grateful for the version of the “rain man” we have not received, and the favorite “indie” we have done.


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