Why only one bad spinaf was needed to kill the decades of old sci-fi fi
By Jonathan Chat
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Stargate was never as popular as “Star Wars” and “Star Way” but both Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis Stargate Atlantis In the end, he found a big fan -baza precisely because they were different from two. Accepting the cheerful spirit of adventures and the acting composition of the characters who connected together, learned to work together and accepting each other, both shows supported some positiveness even at the darkest moments. That’s why a sudden turn of the writers took The universe of StargateThe third series in the franchise, knocked out all the good about the franchise in favor of accepting dark, delicate aesthetics Battlestar Galactica.
Dark and fragile sci-fi

The universe of Stargate was released in October 2009 in the midst Battlestar Galactica’s Success Pop -Culture and Syfy wanted the show to be their next big deal. They went so far to cancel Atlantis Stargate AtlantisTherefore, there was only one series in the franchise.
Tossing the “planet of the week” formula of the first series, the universe considered one story for most of each season, so it is better for you to get used to hearing about ancient stones. Dark, delicate visual data were not the only change. To match the new aesthetics, the writers abandoned the “action” of the first two shows and turned into a direct “sci-fi drama”, which could be fun, but they also forgot to include sympathetic characters.

Instead of studying new worlds, The universe of Stargate was limited to Destiny, an ancient spacecraft built for a mysterious goal that constantly hinted for exciting adventures, but they never happened. The spectators were stuck in close quarters with the acting of the characters that seemed Riverdzeil than Sg-1.
For example, the fall of Colonel Evereta Young (Louis Ferrera) and the subsequent rise could make for convincing television. Unfortunately, before the show gets there, we see how he is cheating, lied and argued with the rest of the crews in such a way that O’Nel (Richard Ding Anderson) never behaved, even if strange The perfume possessed them.
One complex character and pile of high school

In particular, Young opposed one crew. Dr. Nicholas Rash (Robert Carlill) had to become something new for the franchise: the character that existed in a gray shade. Richard Wolsey (Robert Picard) It looks like a hero compared to Rash, which viewers can understand as an activity for greater good (mostly), even if his actions were (mostly) questionable.
The problem with the inclusion of a complex character that, said politely, is largely obliged Battlestar Galactica’s Balta (James Kalis), it doesn’t work if everyone else The universe of Stargate Consider it evil.

Rash shot young for murder, not amenable to the obvious instructions not to mess with ancient technology, doing at this moment when he or she has the opportunity, and so, he enjoys an infection of Armstrong (Elise Levek) excellent character. The universe of Stargate Tried to do something else with Rash as a physical embodiment that perceives the dark side Scientific-fictionBut he lost the adventurous spirit of the franchise in this process.
Fans of the unpredictable franchise did not want high school drama; They wanted bold new worlds, aliens and stars of disclosure of the galactic secrecy. All this was in the first two shows and lost thanks to Syfy executives, who earn on the new wave of Gritty, Prestige TV.