Why Mickey Bong John Ho feels so different than the parasite

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There are certain films that, when it comes to authors, twice as a starters’ entry points. In most cases, they are usually films that have performed as a breakthrough for their directors who have announced an American popular culture as a whole that they can be considered. For South Korean director Bong John Ho, this movie is definitely “Parasis”, which came to the United States after leaving in May 2019. The film held a wave of positive words from the lips up to the 92nd Academy Award then, then It was nominated for six Oscars and won four, including the best paintingsWhat makes it the first in the history of the Nepgang language that received this honor. During the year, the director Bong moved from who was known mainly in the cynophilic circles to the name of the household.

As a result of the escape of the “parasite” success, Bong John Ho got what most directors who will get the best picture and the best director, which is effectively the opportunity to make a blank movie check as the next project. This movie turns out “Mickey 17 Mickey 17”, And those who have just met the director Bong through the “parasite” may seem particularly intricate to the next event. At the visual and narrative level, “Nikolai 17” is an absolutely unwavering sci-fi film filled with spacecraft, future technologies (complete with Technobabble) and outrageous creatures. So, for those who saw only the “parasite”, the relativity curve in “Mickey 17” can be quite steep, enough to break you. However, the film carries a lot of signatures by director Bong, acting as the culmination of all his filmography so far. Thus, for those who decide to make the jump directly from the “parasite” to “Mickey 17”, this experience may end much more useful and lighting.

“Mickey 17” continues and expands discussions about class and capitalism, started in “parasites”

I was fortunate enough to see the early survey “Mickey 17” in Los -Angeles, and the word I heard the most among my participants was “strange”. Yes, “Mickey 17” is not the simplest prerequisite to swallow, even if you are already a fan of science fiction. On the basis of the novel “Mickey7” by Edward Ashton, history concerns Mickey Barnes (Robert Patinson), who fell on his success, which is being pursued by a credit shark on Earth, which is growing. Seeking to join the colonized expedition as soon as possible, Mickey blindly signs on the duty as a “consumer”, which means that he will donate his body to science … In eternity, every time he dies, he was immediately reprinted at the age he died with all his memories. In addition to this already wacky premise, director Bong adds in a thinly version amalgam analogue for some of our past (And, Sadly, Current) Unscruous Political Figures in the Character of Kenneth A social and ecological crisis that Develops Once the Human Colonists Land On Their New Home of Nilfheim and Discover An Indeginous Species thee that they dub creepers, and the complications of Mica were in two places, but in fact, He will die.

This is supposed to be a lot to take, and for those who are not yet a genre, it can be too strange (this word again). While “Mickey 17” has all these scientifically “Parasite”, parable “parasite”However, it speaks just as richly and convincing allegory. The theme of the class inconsistency in the depressing capitalist society is imbued throughout the “Mickey 17”, noticed throughout, from the consuming difficult position of Mickey to the awkward and demoralization of the positions of other spacecraft members, forced to perform (including one Marshall supporter who should spend all his time). If you loved the “parasite” for his social comment, you will find an abundance of wealth in “Mickey 17”. You just need to learn how to love creeping, and fortunately, this is not a huge question, because they are charming!

“Mickey 17” has several films about director Bong.

If the only director’s film you have seen is a “parasite”, then you have a really great movie to discover that you are in front of you, especially if you end up dripping “Nikkey 17”. In addition to the movie containing a large number of “parasite” theme DNA in it, there are a number of elements from several other preliminary Bong Joon Ho films that can be found throughout the movie. The main one is the material of the other two English features to date, “Snowball 2013” 2013 and 2017 “Ohkja” 2017. In the first director Bong adapts the French sci-fi graphic novel, the story of the future, when the earth was so destroyed after a catastrophic attempt to decide climate change that everything froze, leaving the last remains of the human race, so that an endlessly circling the globe on a permanently moving train called SnowPier. Like “Mickey 17” and “parasite”, “SnowPierce” uses visual iconography to outline their heroes with their class, and poor passengers in the back of the train literally fight the front.

Meanwhile, “Okja” director Bong reflects the alternative today when scientists have developed a way to breed “super pig”, a creature that should serve as a new, highest source of nutrition. Unfortunately, the scourge of capitalism again shakes its ugly head, and the unscrupulous corporation Mirando makes a point from the hard treatment of these animals (including the titular super pig), which causes the activist to save creatures. This concept makes a return to “Mickey 17” thanks to the wife of the Marshal YLFA (Tony Kaletta), overwhelmed with slaughter creeping and using tails to make different gourmet sauces. Talking about creeping, there are reviews of the film director Bong 2006 “Host” They also have how much creatures are similar to kaye, which may not necessarily actual (or only) monsters.

Ultimately, if “Mickey 17” eventually slams you, it’s probably good. There is no better way to expand your artistic horizon than good rattling because it is such an experience that ultimately adheres to you for a long time. Most often, you will find that your expectations and borders have pushed (again, by -art), only deepening your interests and tastes, I will lead to new places in which you may not go before. Do these places Other Distopal Science-Fiction MoviesThe rest of the director Bong, or some combination of two, then “Mickey 17” can become a brand new film about the gateway for you and hundreds of others. By paraphrase John Lennon: all we say is give Mickey a chance.


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