Why Jason Gideon Mandy Patinkin left criminal minds

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While each major broadcast has procedural dramas, CBS is the king of format, at least in the 21st century. This has mastered the form of art procedural, specifically focused on the crimes of all kinds. Only NCIS franchise gave rise to several series, and each of them is held in the US and abroad, which goes back in 2003.

But CBS is not alien to other prolonged procedural dramaturgy crimes, including darker and no less famous “criminal minds”. When the “criminal minds” began to be broadcast in the fall of 2005, he boasted a unique hook, focusing on the profiles of a certain unit of the FBI and very gloomy cases that they will have to solve throughout the country. The show lasted in some form two decades, although the fact that it was once a full-fledged dramaturgy on CBS is a reboot series called “Criminal Mind: Evolution” on Paramount+.

One of the common elements of procedural shows, regardless of the net, is turnover. Yes, the show like “criminal minds” may have run for 15 seasons on CBS, and now ranks 17th with streaming, but the acting warehouse may not always remain the same. For example, when in 2005 the “criminal mind” was the premiere, his presenter was the most perfect stage and performer, beloved for many of his roles: Mandy Patinkin. Some of us may know Patinkin best as Inigo Montoya From “Bride Princess”, But he is not a stranger to CBS. In the 1990s, he was one of the leading medical drama of the Chicago Hope, winning Amy for his work.

Despite this, Patinkin played only the leading profile Jason Gideon for “criminal minds” for two full seasons before heading. (You see /Rating of the movie each season “Criminal Minds” here.) So, why Patinkin, and thus the Gideon left? Well, it turns out, the actor regretted that he first signed such a dark drama.

Patinkin publicly talked about an error by signing up to appear on criminal minds

The actors who leave the successful procedure are not a new thing, but both ways that Patinkin decided to leave “criminal minds”, and his public statements about his departure are quite unique to his sharp and honesty. The short version is that the “criminal minds” in reality did not show Patinkin’s show, which he signed up, at least, theoretically. When talking to New York Magazine In 2012, on the eve of the second season, “Homeland” (in which he co-author), Patinkin explained: “The biggest public mistake I ever made was that I decided to make a” criminal mind “in the first place.”

At least exciting that Patinkin takes responsibility for his choice to shoot in the program. Whatever you think about “criminal minds”, it is not unfair to say that it presents horrible murders in almost every episode. If anything, it seems to be largely baked into the DNA of the show, making you think that Patinkin thought there would be a series. “I thought it was something completely different. I never thought they were going to kill and rape all these women every night, week after, year after year,” Patinkin confessed in the same interview.

As he so unexpectedly departed, to the fact that the profile of the magazine “New York” states that the creators of the show were completely confused, the nature of how Jason Gideon is already quite emotionally tortured, the leaves feel like sharply. The writers of the show came up with a scenario in which Gideon’s colleague Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson) was rejected for the actions for which Gideon himself feels responsible. And so, by accident, he refuses his post and the last time he sees the waitress the waitress, who is not sure where he goes, but will know when he gets there.

The fact that Gideon was eventually killed outside the screen is less strange than the fact that it happened through eight seasons. You might think that “criminal minds” the writers might have an ax to grind and would not want to wait so long.

Patinkin suggested that his choice would leave so suddenly prevent him from working on TV again

The talent does not always win the day when it comes to actors who make an unexpected choice on television. But in the case of Patinkin, no matter how he seemed to see and how much his departure was, he managed to bring a thunderstorm and any original negative reaction to his “criminal minds”. But, of course, he did not expect that. In the profile of the New York magazine, he mentioned that although the show was “devastating for my soul and my personality”, he also suggested that he would never “work on television again” shortly after leaving her.

Of course, exactly the opposite, this is the way “Homeland” aired eight seasons In Showtime (starting in 2011) when Patinkin earned four Amy nominations throughout his work as a teacher’s teacher. He also remains a favorite figure for decades of work on stage, as well as for having one of the greatest lines in the history of the bride’s “Princess”.

The point is not that Patinkin is mistaken in what can be a “criminal mind”. It or often a terrible and intense drama in which there should be death and chaos in any episode; Otherwise, BAU members cannot do the job that the audience counts in a week to see them. Moreover, the nature of the procedural drama is to create such types of script; The legal drama should be presented with lawyers trying, medical shows should have doctors trying and sometimes not save life and so on. If there is something still unknown, it is less due to why Patinkin left this show and more about what he believed the series would be from the beginning. You do not need to love “criminal minds”, but it’s not Keghei about his prerequisites, and he does not always offer surprises. If anything, the details of why Patinkin left the show can still become the most shocking element, which if the series boasted.


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