Why is a British accent in the family of a family guy?

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From the grimel to Griffin very badly, with a “family guy”. Why is he angry? Why his football head? Why is he talking to the dog? And even taking that the cold can talk why he is talking which?

Griffin’s cold is talking to a top-class English accent, which is strange because the rest of the Griffins (especially his parents) speak with different accents of the Rhode Island. Even Brian, who acts in the skills, is similarly studied throughout the series, still talking in the standard American accent you expected from who grew up in America. Why is the dog’s voice more normal than the baby? And while we ask questions, maybe someone in Quahog is to do something the pedophile who lives down the street?

In A Interview 2010McFarlaine explained how he came up with the voice of the stey. It turns out he read about the production of one of your favorite movies, “My Just Lady”, the 1964 musical About a chic British guy who teaches the girl to talk like him. As McFarlein explained:

“I read the biography of Alan J. Lerner, who is lyrics … And probably he and Rex Harrison strolled through Hyde -once during the development of this show, and they both talked about the problems they had with their wives, and Rex … he said, (using his voice by the root): “I say, Alan, wouldn’t it be amazing if we were homosexuals?”

This line was a sparkle that led to McFarlein found a voice for the cold. He seems to have taken Rex Harrison’s voice and made it a little snobbie and a little more evil. Even without McFarlein, however, fans could probably gather inspiration into “one if the picture is two, if the sea.” In this episode, the storyline of the fruit is one big “my fair lady” in which he teaches another child to speak as he:


Okay, but what is the explanation of the canon for the voice of the cold?

McFarlaine may have explained the true reason for the accent of the steu, but what does he think about the situation? During the first fifteen seasons, he barely seemed to have even noticed that he had a British accent. It was just one of those things that were considered as usual in the “family guy” universe, like no one thought it was strange that so many women slept with one dog. Or is it like Brian and Small characters can understand the colds, but no one else can except the chris in the next seasons and sometimes Peter.

It turns out that cartoons don’t make much sense.

However, fans received one slight idea of ​​the situation in the “Viewer Mail 2” season, an episode of an ontology, including a sketch where British Griffin families. Here, all in the family are British, except for the cold, which now speaks as a stereotypical American. It follows that the steu is inherently not British – it is essentially different from the people around it. No matter what version of the Griffin family, we will never talk about them as they have. It seemed only with a one -time joke when the episode was aired, but, the back number, this dynamics may have planted the seeds for the largest show hero.

Turns out all the life of the cold – it’s a lie

In Season 16 “Send the Buries please” We find out that the stews have all the time focused on. His real voice is with an American accent. It sounds like a combination between Peter and Brian. As the cold explains to his new therapist, “the emphasis is nothing but commitment, the armor to transfer me through a day. The image I grew so that I feel special.”


Stey continues to talk to his “true” voice, but by the end of the episode he returned to his old accent. However, the audience remains to sit with the fact that the cold we have seen and will continue to see is nothing more than a mirage.

“It was very accurate,” said the screenwriter Harry Janetti, in interview About the episode. “I didn’t want to do anything when he didn’t feel like a real character because I am very guarding it. Like all children when you feel you are a rogue and feel you don’t fit anywhere you build a little facade to Protect yourself from the world.

Executive producer Alec Sulkin also revealed his reaction to the “cold” when he first read the scenario: “I was surprised by the whole turn, but to hear it somehow made sense:” The shiy just pretended because he wants to make it seem smarter than all . “


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