Why aircraft collision technology cannot help prevent DC’s average aircraft

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The investigation was asked about the role between the American Airlines Regional Airlines and the U.S. Army Black Sahin helicopter, the role by the Traffic Signal and Collision and Clashes (TCAS).

Jet, Ronald Reygan Washington, near Washington, near Washington, sent both plane to the Potomac River. Three soldiers were killed in both aircraft and both aircraft, including four crews on the plane.

However, TCAS technology is expected to be an effective tool to prevent such accidents. Here we know about the system and what we can do in this situation.

How does TCAS work?

Problems in decades of the average air collision in decades in 1981, the US Federal Aviation Association (FAA) has headed the TCA to referring TCA.

Clock | Attention: To make video zealps:

CCTV images seize the Washington-regional plane, helicopter collision

Images from a CCTV camera, a passenger plane and the United States army was caught in the moment of influence. The voice from the control of air traffic is this time captures a part of the collision immediately.

According to the FAA guide, the Land-Based Air Traffic Control (ATC) system is an air-up budget, and according to an FAA guide, prevents clashes for a wide range of aircraft species.

It is really considered a recent tool, but it is included in conjunction with other navigation displays on the plane and uses radio signals to explore nearby planes. After that, another plane will give a visual cockpit displays and voice warnings that can be dangerous.

“It simply shows that traffic is in our place, the danger of a potential collision,” the pilot and instructor pilot and visits to the Florida Institute of Technology.

According to him, in certain cases, the pilots will be guided by the collision.

For example, TCAS thinks that the pilot thinks that other air traffic should be focused on the area, “Traffic Traffic” can say.

However, it can give “a resolution adviser” that can include “climbing climbing” instructions “climbing”, “descending” or reduce the vertical speed or reduce the vertical speed.

“In fact, he will tell you what you need to do.” Added that the current technology only provides vertical ways of corrective actions, ie a plane will not direct a plane to return.

Does TCAS always send warnings?

When warning TCAs, voice commands automatically block a certain height, malmquist.

According to him, many warnings are inhibited on the plane during certain stages of the flight to prevent worse problems.

Like a fire warning, for example, it will be blocked during initial flights, “Thus, it does not try to do something when the pilot is safer in the air facility,” he said.

The same goes by making a big maneuver when it is close to the ground in the lower height.

“First of all, you can’t get down anyway, because the soil is there and you will not draw fast, because it has the potential of the plane for the lack of maneuverability to do so.”

What role can TCA play in the DC event?

Due to the lower height of both plane in collision, TCAs will not provide voice warning.

He probably would not seem to be visible, despite the image of the pilot at this point. Instead, their attention could be focused on the window and concentrated in the runway.

“Suddenly one of one’s one suddenly puts the plane on the ground or lifts the plane … and loses the aircraft. There is no maneuverable margin at this point.”

“I do not know that the TCA will not be useful, but alerts warning and warning, because the risk of other problems is higher than the risk of collision.”


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