Who played actor Seinfeld?

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Most of the main “Seinfeld” actors fought a little over the years after the show. Once you have created one of the biggest sitamas of all time, what’s next? Julia Louis-Dreifus’s first attempt in the new Sitkam “Watching Eli” was canceled after one season. Meanwhile, it took nine years before Jerry Seinfeld could do His cinematic masterpiece “Bee Film”. And as far as Michael Richards? Well, Won’t talk about it.

Jason Alexander, who may have played a great show that supported George Kostonan’s hero, never took the role even close to the same level. This does not mean that he is certainly a failure; He still had countless roles in television, cinema and theaters. He is one of those actors who will focus on your favorite show for an episode or two, and no viewer will never be upset if he is seen there. My personal beloved surprise Jason Alexander appeared when he appeared in the puppet episode “community”, like a worrying mountain man, although his enmity with Larry David throughout the “taming of your enthusiasm” was also quite great.

One of the earliest post- “Seinfeld” one episode came in the “Friends” hit, shows It started on the air next to “Seinfeld” on NBC. “Friends” continued for six seasons after “Seinfeld” ended, and Alexander appeared in the episode of 7 season, “the one where Rosit dies”. In 2001. What character did he play? Well, the guy looked like George – but somehow even more sad.

The tragic story of the Earl, a man ignored by all his colleagues

Alexander’s character is an Earl, a guy who says Fiba (Lisa Kudrov) on the phone that he plans to kill himself. Why does he want to do it? Well, because it feels unattainable in life, and it is easy to understand why. It seems that none of his colleagues cares about him and even recognizes him, and his life outside the office does not look much better. You might think, “Oh, maybe the Count should be more persistent,” but not: we see how he says loudly to his employees that he plans to kill himself and they don’t even hear him. It’s like he had already died and Phib A child from the “sixth feeling” Who can talk to ghosts.

If it was the episode “Seinfeld”, there is a good chance that Erl crying for help would be with annoyance by one of the main characters. Kramer probably would try to help, but he somehow threw the ball and worse. But, fortunately, this is an episode “Friends”, a much friendly show, so fortunately, the Count has Phib to help it. She rushes to her office to persuade him to live by raising her mother’s suicide in this process. The storyline often threatens to become serious, but the inappropriate degree of situation with the graph helps keep everything easily and wind. The Count agrees to accept life again, and this is the last thing we see at the exhibition. Both for him and for the sake of Fiba, we hope that his new rental will be built until the last.

The national telephone number for suicide prevention is 1-800-273-8255.


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