Who is Wraith in Stargate Atlantis?
Brad Wright and Robert K. Cooper “Star Gate Atlantis” is a spin-of-series that overcomes the gap between seasons 7 and 8 Favorite, long “Stargate SG-1”. This can give the impression that “StarGate Atlantis” is a fast tale located in space but in space but This five-season sci-fi series is just. Here everything starts with the opening of the Antarctic outpost created by an ancient alien race, after which it is revealed by the lost city of Atlantis, which quickly becomes the base for the Navy Stargate, which investigates it. Under the guidance of Major John Sheparda (Joe Flanigan)The Atlantis team moved through the legendary city and learns that its locals were forced to escape after the Wraith attack. Who are these mysterious creatures and why do they go on destroying civilization?
These questions are pursued by “StarGate Atlantis”, and we are soon given difficult answers about these formidable antagonists. Gradually it turns out that anger is a view of the humanoid base, which gathers the vitality of other reasonable creatures throughout the galaxy. None of the Wraith, which performs throughout the series, speaks of its true names, but Shappard often attributes names such as James or Tyler, for the comedy effect. While the Major’s efforts to familiarize the unknown team with a very necessary light -heartedness, Wraith is dangerous and deadly, ready for the flourish of living beings after long periods of hibernation. According to the Wraith commander, known as the leadership (called Shappard Todd), this race is over 100,000 years old, and is believed to come from a mistake that breaks a person.
Let’s take a closer look at the Wraith-Lantean conflict and what happened to this race by the end of “StarGate Atlantis”.
As Wraith took over Atlantis’s control of Lonti
The Lentins (natives of the Atlantis) were known to be peaceful, but they were also part of the ancient lines, which were genetically experimented with Wraith 900 years before the invasion of Atlantis. This deep hatred pushed Wraith to demolish Lonti, but the latter was more technologically advanced weapons and shield mechanics. Despite the fact that Wraith found himself in a big tactical lack, Lentins flew too close to the sun, sending their warships deep into the enemy. After some rigid battles, Wraith was able to overcome some of these warships and steal the power forces modules that would be a chance for their favor.
You would think that this view of hives used these insanely powerful power sources to produce better weapons, but they went a step further. Wraith used it to set up cloning objects to dramatically increase their number. Lentins were unable to anticipate this insightful step and spent years, fighting their enemy until the Atlantis remained. When everything seemed too gloomy, the Lentons initiated a truce, but instead were ambushed.
The Atlantis soon fell, and the survivors escaped. What happened next? Well, Wraith had full control over Atlantis, except for the capital, which was protected by Shield Dome and automated drones. After 100 years of laying (unsuccessful) siege, the city drowned under the water, and Wraith went on its fun way to enjoy another species.
Fast forward up to 10,000 years. The Stargate Atlantis crew arrives in Pegasus Galaxy and created a base in the underwater city of Atlantis. Major Shappard and Lieutenant Eiden Ford (Rainbow Sun Francks) head a rescue mission for people stolen wraith on the planet Athos where View hive abdues the Atlantis crew member and (unfortunately) find out that the earth is a massive feeding for long-term nutrition. This is not good news, because it will mean the end of humanity if Wraith remains on its devices without control.
Are Wraith defeated by the end of Stargate Atlantis?
A lot Happens after the Atlantis StarGate Atlantis crew is related to Wraith on Athos, but let’s reconsider key events. The Queen of the hive, known as death, is a formidable threat after she had scattered Urait under her leadership. Moreover, she also abducts Dr. Rodney (David Hwlet) and turns it into a Wraith (!) Having gained her experience in Shield Technology in her favor. After all, a good doctor is rescued, and the frozen planet is the culminating battle on which Wraith first appeared. The queen is killed, and the true guilty of the aggressive fraud Wraith is revealed and is properly considered in the episode of the “Heritage” series.
When the queen and the manipulator master are gone, Wraith commanders give and sign a peace treaty, agreeing to refuse to keep through the Galaxy of Pegasus. But how was the Wraith feeding problem solved? After all, their biological impulse is fed by other creatures to survive and sleep when they feel rich. Initially, a convenient small form of gene therapy, known as the Retrovirus Iratus Bug (developed by Dr. Carson, which is part of the Atlantis), was developed.
Now it can be used to contain their insatiable appetites by turning them into people for a short time. People who introduced a retrovirus became stronger, which means that they could be served (Wraith) without the risk of rapid death. When you ask me, it’s somehow spoiled, but I guess it’s better than allowing the views of lifelong forces for power throughout the galaxy.
This means the end of the Wraith conflict in “Stargate Atlantis” and residual story lines about this race rotate around the guide, tracking the person responsible for the sudden death. The Atlantis crew interferes as usual, and this leads to a shocking disclosure, which is best experienced. After all, a difficult truce is agreed, but all is well in this part of a huge galaxy.