Who is the PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan?
Abdullah Ocalan, who was imprisoned by a Kurdish partisan movement against the Turkish state against the Turkish state, called on the weapons of the warriors and the Disbuge.
The unique message from Mr. Ocalan on Thursday, increased the likelihood of a conflict that caused more than 40,000 people from more than four decades.
Who is Abdullah Ocalan?
Mr Ocalan is the founder and leader of the PKK fighting the Kurdistan Labor Party or the Turkish state. He was in a Turkish prison in a quarter century.
The PKK, Turkey is trying to create an independent state for the Kurdish minority, but recently said he was looking for more rights for the Kurds inside Turkey. Turkey, USA and other countries classify Mr. Ocalan as a terrorist group for the attacks that killed Turkish security forces and civilians as a terrorist group.
However, many of Turkey’s Kurds seem to be a strong symbol of the struggle for Kurdish rights. Although Turkey is convicted of Turkey, who guides a armed terrorist group in 1999, Turkey has a great impact on the PKK in Syria, Iraq and Iran and its related militia.
Mr Ocalan established the PKK in the late 1970s and established an organization from the neighboring Syria because he began attacks in other major Turkish-eastern cities in Turkey and other major Turkey.
In 1998, he forced him, and with the help of the CIA, on February 15, 1999, inside a aircraft in Nairobi, in the airport in Nairobi, went to be armed inside a plane.
That same year, Turkey did him and sentenced him to death. Turkey has been changed to life imprisonment after revoking the death penalty as part of the proposal to join the European Union.
What does Mr Ocalan want?
In the beginning, the PKK tried to establish an independent Kurdish state, and Mr Ocalan said that the reason for this reason is necessary to increase the reason.
“We are in favor of violence to solve problems,” he said in the first meeting with Turkish journalists in 1988. But he was required, he said: “refrain from destroying our national identity.”
After the seized in 1999, he was arrested on the island of Imrali, where Istanbul in the Marmara Sea in the southern Marmara, Istanbul, the only prisoner in the Island. Behind the rods, the ideas changed. The goal was to achieve an independent state, and he wrote that the nations violated the rights of people.
Instead, a new ideology described as borders and community-based democracy, which promote environmental living and gender equality, “democratic confederalism”. He also claimed that the Kurds could achieve their rights in Turkey if they consider the right application of democracy in Turkey.
His new meetings were very impressed by the American political philosopher Murray Bookchin. Two people, Mr Ocalan’s lawyers changed their letters before Mr Bookchi’s death in 2006.
How does Turkey look at Mr Ocalan?
For most Turks, Mr. Ocalan remains the most hated terrorist in the country accused of the country’s most hated and more than 40,000 people accused of giving deadly attacks in four decades. Turkish politicians and news media often apply to him as a “baby killer” or “head terrorist.”
Human rights groups criticized the isolation of Imrali Island. According to Turkish press news, in 2009, in 2009, the other five prisoners were allowed to meet Mr. Ocalan several times a week.
However, in recent years, Mr Ocalan and other prisoners of the island were not allowed any phone calls with any visitors, including lawyers or family members.
Last October, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a strong political ally A surprising public call Mr Öcalana asked the warriors to sleep their weapons and finish the conflict.
This has led to limited visits from Mr Ocalan’s relatives and political allies to investigate the possibility of a new peace process between Turkey and the PKK