What is the water of life?
This post contains spoilers For a series of Frank Herbert’s novels “Delhma”.
In “Doddm: Part Second” Danny Villevo Paul (Timothy Shalam) get acquainted with the ways of frimen, which gradually accept it as one of their own. This mood is strengthened as soon as the gender proudly takes the skating ceremony, Jumping at the top of a huge sand worm in a rather impressive demonstration of “Desert Forces”. Sandworms, which are called Shay-Hulud, are an integral part of the cultural values ​​of Arakin’s natives that associate these creatures with sacred divinity. Since Shai-Hulud is both fear and respect, it is not surprising that this term is literally translated as the concept of eternity with the connotations of immortality. To exist next to Shay -Hulud means to appreciate the life itself and to revel in the mysterious forces laid in its DNA itself.
“Dune” Frank Herbert deliberately deepened into the complex ecosystem of arraksContrasting the compassionate ignorance of the colonization forces of the earth and the acute awareness of the frimmers of the natural balance required for survival. Such as Kharkanen’s house, perhaps, would be able to run out huge melangery reserves (desired narcotic substance that is integral for trade and space travel in the famous universe) from the desert planet, but only frimins can understand and reveal its true spiritual potential. These gaps in intuitive knowledge destroy the reality of the closed Fremeni culture, which is broken when the gender receives the title “Usul” and becomes an honorary member. Since Paul proves himself exceptional for reasons that are mistaken as the awakening of the Messiah, he is able to survive the dedication rite that has never been able to a single person or neffren. This life change ceremony passed by Paul is concentrated on the water.
What is the water of life and why Paul survived the associated ceremony that he was not intended? Let’s see what Herbert will say about this poisonous blue fluid.
Water Life in Dune is simultaneously poisonous and transformed
The sacredness that surrounds Shai-Hulud affects directly the creation of a water of life, which begins as bile, obtained from the body of a young sandy worm on the verge of death. This act of sacrifice has a ritual implication because the bright blue fluid was used as a catalyst to launch genetic memories in the Samiane (low-rank priestess), ready to become a Reverend Mother. This ceremony was held only for women in Arrakis If the senior Saiadin is risking losing an integral memories before consecration. Although the water of life is unique to frimen, Bena Geserit’s sisters, such as Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), were trained in advance to withstand and fight her intense, deadly effects within their centuries -old scheme to summon Quisac Hoder.
The water of life is deadly for all people, as well as for those who are not trained by the neuromuscular body management necessary for survival from its effects and use genetic memories. The test was to cleanse the poisonous bile in the harmless fluid that is actual The water of life, obtained from the Saiadin, which became a Reverend Mother after successful transformation. Jessica was able to withstand this ceremony, thanks to Bena Geiserit’s training, but the frimins linked it to her status by Quisat Hadrakh’s mother. This is the so-called Messiah figure, essentially the first and only man Bene Hesserit, who, in prophecy, will unlock genetic memories of both men and women and overcome the spatial-temporal continuum. It is worth noting that the interpretation of Kwisatz Haderch’s fremes was the culmination of their own cultural/spiritual beliefs and decades of rooted religious propaganda of Ben Geiserit.
To check the truth of these beliefs, Paul decided to pass the ceremony as the result will determine the truth about Kwisatz Hadrach. (Sorry, Paul survived and successfully transformed the sand worm into the water of life, arranging a changed man, armed with anticipation and a terrible complex of the Messiah.