Warframe Techrot Encore Preview: What to expect on March 19

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Warframe players enjoyed the party of their lives in 1999, hacking and cutting through the enemies of Sklra and Techot as they connect with the hexadecimal. But the status quo will shift when the Techrot Encore update was released on March 19, 2025.
-The following large extension for Sci-Fi Sci-Fi Looter Shooter Warframe.

Everything is wrong in the city state of Holvania, the area introduced in Last major Warframe update 1999And a new threat is about to suffer every incomplete person on the street. Coda technocyte-long-awaited infected deprivation-the next addition to Warframe’s enemy system. These scary enemies strive to grow Techrot Hivemind and they need you from the photo to take it.

Fortunately, the 60th Warframe is a pyrotechnic phenomenon. Temple is a rock star with a tendency for flames and they are the best bastion against the developed infection. The pillars of the flame blow out of the ground before this Warframe while they own their guitar as a sublime fireproof, melted the opposition.

All that comes in the Warframe Techrot Encore update

The next major update of Warframe upgrades the foundation, laid by Warframe 1999, presenting a brand new Warframe along with new game modes and gameplay mechanics. Here’s what you can expect when the update is released on March 19th.

  • Infected read: The next addition to the Warframe expansive opponent will add new Techrot Nemeses to the game. Themed around the fictional boy group of the 90s, players can hunt these enemies for new weapons and cosmetics.
  • Temple Warframe: The 60 Warframe is a Glame rock icon, wearing its pyrotechnical wisdom on any battlefield in the origin system. Whether they release allies, row enemies or possess their Flamethrower’s vital guitarThe temple is a force to comply with.
  • New Protophros: Temple, Frost, Saryn and NOVA receive new leather Protoframe when their colleagues since 1999 arrive at the Mall Holvania. Each new character has a unique dialogue for Kim, as players get a chance to build new relationships and reveal the next piece of this story.
  • Temporary Archimeter: Expanding the game mode Deep Archimedea, Temporary Wears the multi -stage glove in the living room. New Tileset brings new challenges as the scaldra and techrot are implemented by randomized mission modifiers that completely change the flow of the game.
  • Changes in the quality of life: Developer Digital Extremes takes advantage of the problems with the new player’s experience, which facilitates the collapse of the most important parts of Warframe’s history. Veterans players will be pleased with changes to Aura Forma and a Pseudo-tangible major overhaulS

The threat of the Technocyte code is large over the living room


The largest boy group since 1999 is twisted and distorted in biomechanical nightmares.

Digital extremes

Line’s boys are finally about to appear in all their disgusting glory, as Warframe introduces Liches for the infected enemy type in the game. Coda Technocyte is a local threat caused during the Holiday Missions.

Techrot enemies can release malware that players will have to take and bring to local computers. After a hacker mines, the player will become a fixation of one of the former members of the Lin group, entering a dangerous game of a cat and a mouse with a powerful infected enemy. The only true protection is a set of new antiviral mods, available as awards from special generosity since 1999.

After the players spawn the face, the new enemy appears with certain strengths and weaknesses depending on the warriors. They also have different personality traits and they can spawn with one of eight different cosmetic ephemers to claim their defeat.

Delivery along with Technocyte Coda are 13 different weapons of Coda Technocyte, which are significantly improved variants of inherited facilities. Most importantly, the deprivation themselves no longer carry a certain weapon – instead they miss a special currency in which you can trade in Eleanor to ask for a new addition to your arsenal.

If you want to start fighting the Technocyte Coda when they are released on March 19, you will need to make sure that you do not have an active Kuva Lich or a Parvos sister, which are respectively the persons of Grineer and Corpus factions. If you are fighting with any of these opponents, you should beat them or convert them before requesting a member of Technocyte Coda.

The new Warframe, Temple, is a real space strangeness


The new Warframe is a rock star – with a tendency to pyrotechnics.

Digital extremes

The 60th Warframe is a rock and roll superstar and they are ready to flood their enemies with solid sound walls. The Temple set is themed around the pyrotechnic design of the stage, pumping a lot of damage based on heat. This is suitable for updating with the theme of infection, as Warframe players will have to burn the way through angry biomass if they want to unlock the new LICH weapons.

Temple’s liability introduces a mechanic of Metronome, which fulfills their four basic abilities when you activate them in the rhythm. These abilities synergize to enchant the temple and their allies, debut around enemies and throw many angry flames in the faces of enemies. Here is the complete breakdown of each of the Temple:

  • Pyrotechnics: The first ability in the Temple kit is aimed at enemies with fire pillars, applying them with quick piles of heat damage. If Temple threw this ability to the rhythm, twice as many poles will spawn to the surrounding enemies. This ability is the Temple Helmint Submarine, which means it can be transferred to other military personnel.

  • Overdrive: Temple’s second ability to give rise to a Techrot Subwoofer Ring, which stabs enemies with sound waves, inflicting heat damage and destroys them to be more susceptible to critical damage.

  • Ripper’s Woail: Grinding on his guitar, Lizi, the temple enchants the weapons of the surrounding teammates with the ability to do heat damage. The temple also regenerates health every second during the duration of their third ability.

  • Salt solo: After building enough charging by playing Beat’s capabilities, Temple is able to rule Lizzie as a lofty firearm, throwing flames from the neck of the guitar. If Temple holds the trigger of the rhythm, Flamethrower also writes bolts of electricity.

The Warframe 1999 Relationship System is expanding with four new protofios


Flare is the face behind the brand new Warframe. They will also look familiar to the fans of a particular rock star.

Digital extremes

Four new protofinals will join Hex at Hollvania Mall and they are based on the temple, Frost, Saryn and Nova Warframes. In order for the new protofreim characters in Hollvania, players must complete Hex Quest and reach a reputation level with Hex Syndicate.

FLARE is a non -binzed rock star with a live guitar, Lizzie. The former frontman for Temple and Ripuri, they found themselves in the path of revenge after the driver of the Scaldra were fulfilled their roommates. If you have noticed a resemblance to the legendary musician, fashion innovator and icon David Bowie (especially in his Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane ERA), you’re not alone.

Frost, Velimir and Saryn Protoframe, Minerva Protoframe are a divorced couple reunited at the Hollvania mall, despite all their differences. Major Rusalka’s adoptive parents, the missing leader of Scalra, Velimir and Sarin love their daughter more than they hate. These protofic will be suppliers for drawings for the new weapons with themed scalps and decorations from the 1999 era orbit.


A new protofic, Kaya, is trying to resolve the mystery of time travel. Will it overcome 1999 with the system of modern origin?

Digital extremes

Kaya is a Nova’s proto and she is a scientist with lust for life and a passion for discovering the secrets of void technology. She is tied to Velimir and Minerva during their trip to the Holiday because she is convinced that the city-state has the secrets she needs to make a breakthrough. Maybe she will even be able to resolve her special interest and figure out how to travel in time.

All new protofros will be able to form relationships with drift and chat on Kim, but they no Be a novelized satellite when Techrot Encore was released. Temple, Frost, Saryn and NOVA will have leather on the proto and transformation of twins available to buy platinum on the Warframe market.

New Endgame Mode Awaiting Warframe veterans

The deep regimes of the Archimedes and the elite deep Archimedes are some of the most challenging content in Warframe right now, stabbing players in a multi -storey glove covering the abandoned halls of Sanctum Anatomica to try to win some of the best awards of the game.

Now another version of the Endgame mode has arrived at Warframe 1999: Temporal Archimedea. This set of missions will be held at Hollvania Tileset, where players will have to stand against enemies of Sklra and Techot as they carry the main weight of the same restrictions on the equipment and modifiers of the mission that make the deep archimedes so challenging. Elite Temporal Archimedea will also be available at startup.

This version of the game mode will reward players with Archon Shards and Arcanes, as well as a new currency to spend at the Kaya Temporal Archimedea store.

Changes in the quality of life for both recruits and veterinarians


Necramech Grind is now grateful to your choice.

Digital extremes

A series of improvements for both new players and veterans will improve the overall Warframe experience after giving up the Encore Techrot update coming in March.

The planetary nodes of the star diagram are reconfigured, so new players have access to the second dream faster. The second dream is the demand that really shows what it is about Warframe, starting the true story of the game, so it’s a good idea to enter more players in this experience as soon as they get their camps.

Necramech’s production is also no longer required to play the new War Quest, removing the biggest barrier from one of the most basic moments of history in Warframe. The paradox of Duviri and hexadecimal quests are also replayable for all players.

Rhino, the first Warframe players get the chance to work out, reduced its foundation time by up to 24 hours (previously 72 hours, like almost any other Warframe). Warframe before Temple, Koumei, was also presented with 24 hours of craftsmanship – this may be the beginning of a trend where new players will not have to wait that long to deal with additions to their arsenals.

Finally, there are a series of changes that more experienced Warframe players will surely love. Defense remuneration rotations are reduced by five waves to three waves, which causes each knot to feel less than a slogan. Pseudo -sublime weapons receive full processing and will become far more dangerous with positions, mods and arcas. Aura Forma is changing to Omni Forma, which will allow the fashion slot to accept any polarity except UMBRA mods. And Riven traders will be glad to hear that the upper limit of Riven Mod Storage is increasing by 30 slots.

Warframe players will be able to fight the Technocyte code, have the great Temple guitar power, and enjoy these new changes in the quality of life on March 19, 2025.


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