Vin Diesel claims Marvel wants to make a Groot movie

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Vin Diesel had a lot more to say besides “I’m Grot” on his Instagram Tuesday. The star of Fast and furious Franchise took to the Social Media Platform to annoy a number of upcoming projects with a more special eye catch: Groot hypothetical film By Marvel Studios.

“Disney wants their planet x!” Diesel wroteS “What some say is Marvel’s most anticipated movie, lol. The movie where Groot returns to his native planet. “When you think how secret it is for everything and that the Guardians of the galaxy made a break afterTom. 3This is a bold statement. It’s not something to be announced when moving to Instagram. So is this something that can really happen? If so, would you fit into the current multovers Saga? IO9 addressed Marvel about Diesel’s publication, but did not comment. So, without any official word, let’s dig a little deeper.

The obvious first thought is that Groot has already received his own Marvel project. I’m Groot is on Disney+ And, frankly, delightfully. This is not a very crucial head in Marvel’s cinematographic universe but talks about something Guardians of the galaxy Director James Gunn admits in the past: Groot is perhaps the most popular character who comes out of the guardians of the galaxy.

So a Groot -oriented story, who returns the character to his home planet, does not look outside the sphere of possibility. Especially if this is just a skip point for a larger Guardians Adventure. We know that Chris Pratt’s star will return at one point. Galaxy Vol Guardians. 3 He told us that. And would you really come back and not meet your old friends, Grot and everyone else? Maybe he’s back to help Grot. We would watch this movie.

But is it real? Perhaps the biggest note here is that Diesel likes to stir the shit. He likes to make news and annoy things in his social media, so the movie on the planet X Groot can be anything-a) something he really wants to do, but he has never been brought up, b) a project, tangentially mentioned when passing a meeting or c) a real idea that someone of Marvel is developing. We do not know for sure, but we bend to the first. More than anything else, this discard comment seems like Diesel is just playing this in the world to see what will happen.

Beyond the Groot project, Diesel talks about fAST X2, Rock Em Sock Em Robots, Riddick, XXXeven The last witch hunterS He seems to be a busy person. But how many of his busy schedule will take him to Marvel Studios? Time will tell.

Want more IO9 news? See when to expect the most native Marvel., Interstellarand Star Trek versions, what’s next for DC Universe on Film and TVand all you need to know about the future of Doctor whoS


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