Veterans ask for the prayer medal award that is angry by the hero of the Naval Hero Biden

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A group of veterans and deputies call President Donald Trump Awarding an 87-year-old naval corps “legend” and awarding the medal of honor after protecting by the hero of war Former President Joe Biden.

Veteran, Maj. James Capers, served Vietnam War In 1967, Phú L Joj rescued the sea of ​​the northern Vietnamese troops ambushed by the North Vietnamese troops and seven friends.

According to the expression of the oath of the surviving marine pedestrians, then-lt. The unit of the dwarfs was ambushed in the jungle, explosions from Claymore Mines and destructive for him. Heavy bleeding doors, heavy bleeding doors and marine pedestrians, and kept the enemy for a long time for the Medevac flight.

When the loaded planes are struggling with the departure, when he tried to sacrifice himself and sacrifice him from the helicopter, he insists that he was behind again until the medievak crew chief was re-withdrawn.

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Helicopters in Vietnam

Two American soldiers, Bong Son, and during the search and destruction mission of South Vietnam in Lao Valley, followed by the 1st air cavalry cavalry helicopter. (Patrick Christain / Getty Images)

Capers received numerous armed wounds and 19 crumbs as a result of firefighting. So far continues to suffer from wounds. However, due to the heroic movements, the doors and all the sea pedestrians survived.

For his heroism, the goalkeepers were awarded the bronze star, raised to the next silver star. However, many, for the actions of Phu LMA, rightly believe that the people’s highest military honor, the medal of honor and honor medal.

Concerns about their recognition continued to serve the caps Marine pedestrians After the war and “Ask Sea” program, it became a central figure that shared his experiences and served in countless young Americans.

The collection of sea and other military veterans for many years has finally acknowledged the recognition they are finally. However, despite their efforts, Capers, the first African American to serve in a ranking battalion in Vietnam, were not taken into account by the Bayen administration.

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Maj. James Capers hire poster

Maj. James Capers turned to the face of “Ask the Sea” program.

With the advanced age and weak health, the friends of the goalkeepers can never recognize that he deserves it.

But with Trump Oval officeBill Cortese, one of the fans of capers, is finally confident that it will finally be.

Cortese, which is a sea body vet, Fox News says Fox News is digital, Tuters can be inspiring and connecting in the country.

“When these bullets began to fly, nobody is a democratic or Republican. No one is conservative or progressive.” He explained. “This is someone who causes a growing way in Jim Crow South CarolinaGo through incredible racism and incredible obstacles to join the marine building and serve the country, and once, once no one looked at anyone to give him anything. It was completely over his dignity and his actions. And so it’s something we can do around the surroundings. ”

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Marine pedestrians in formation

Marine pedestrians appear. (Idle)

Nevertheless, Cortese said the previous administration finds the “how to improve this award” the reason for an honorary medal. “

“It’s weird, but it seems that we got every excuse under the sun.” explained.

Suspects attacks on the political box and the attacks on the eyelids for the narrative.

“Everyone who knows the princess knows that there is no one who gets in any Wet the ideology The last management, “he said:” he could not say. I think they read the song they want and I think they don’t do anything sad and unhappy. ”

“So we try to do the right thing,” he said. “And we know how to do the right thing when this management comes to the veterans.”

“We know that President Trump is taking care of our veterans. We know that it is very positive to recognize the value of this new management, but also for the country as a whole. ”

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Maj. James clothes shape

Maj. James Capers who serve in the US Marines.

When they recently had 47 members recently gained more speeds US House and Senate Asking the recognition of recognition that a letter hitting a letter that is drawing.

“We believe that the Great James Capers, Jr., Jr., said,” he said, “MP wrote MPs. “His selfless actions, leadership, courage, courage and initiative Protect the highest traditions of the United States Armed Forces. From March 31, since April 31, 1967 to 1967 to 1967, 1967, 1967 sample for all military victims and women And that deserves the highest recognition. “

Cortese said he was very grateful for MPs and to be part of a movement, thank you for the honor to finally deserve hoods.

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Don dressed retired tombs

Recently, 47 members of the US House and Senate asked Trump to give Major.

“We stand on the shoulders of people like Maj,” he said. “Thus, it is very important to make sure that we respect those who responded to those who have respected before us, because we respect their respects as Majiya.”

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“As a naval corps veteran, I think it is important to recognize the tradition, and it is important to recognize the path before you,” he said. “I think it’s a reluctant to keep these traditions live and recognize those like Major, as maritime pedestrians to recognize as usual.”


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