Very right leaders rally in Spain ‘make Europe good again’
Office, President Trump made an angle to seize the security and economies of European countries and the Greenland and stressed the words “absolute” words. Even parties that will look like its natural allies They are nervous. Some were silently withdrawn from the American president.
But Saturday’s disputes were not the day. Leaders of the distant parties in Europe came to Madrid in Madrid, at least on the surface, a rally called Booster for a new Trump period.
France had a sea le pen of the right national rally; Populist of the Netherlands, Geert Wilders; Italian League party leader, Matteo Salvini. All of them have clearly shared Mr. Trump’s responsibility to “wake up”, “gender theory” and the arrogant environment.
For them, the American president passed the part of the last obstacles to the political edges. Taboos overturned.
“Tornado Tornado in Trump has changed the world in a few weeks,” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the allies from the stage of the summit called “To make Europe be great again.”
“We were Heretics yesterday,” he said. “Now we are streaming the main.”
In addition to European distant health issues – the media’s “parasites” were labeling the media and labeled the “occupation of the occupation” “occupation” “occupation” “occupation” “occupation” “the occupation” soon.
For example, Mr Salvini criticized the World Health Organization and the International Criminal Court; Mr. Trump has left the executive order to retreat from the United States from the United States and applying sanctions in the exhibition.
Mr. Wilders, Mr. Trump’s language is mimical because they want the electorate “illegal aliens and criminals.”
Mr. Trump’s election represents “the last opportunity of the Western world,” said Aphrodite Latinopoulou, a deputy from the Greek remote party voice.
The Ms. Latinopoulou party has no representative office in the Greek parliament, but some leaders in the Netherlands, including part of the League of League and Mr. Wilders, as part of the coalitions.
Ms. Other parties, such as the Vox Party, who hosted the National Party and the incident, rose in recent years, but were still out of power, often detained by the Union of Parliament.
Most of these parties were still in Brussels, the Prime Minister of the European Parliament and the Prime Minister of Italian Giorgia Meloni, the right-wing leaders did not participate in this legislature for patriots.
Last summer last summer for the European Parliament, many would be the wave of support for distant parties did not fully realize. However, most of these parties are popular among young voters and continue to be able to enter governments in future elections. They think Mr. Trump’s victory has put the wind in the sails.
Mr. Trump’s victory “Brought a political earthquake into the world,” Mr. Wilders said. “He brings a message of hope.”
They replaced the “liberal fascists” with “a sick devil-utopia” with the “wanting to transform our children into trans-freaks” immigrants. They relieved their conspiracy theories.
With Mr. Trump, along with the European Union, they shared a flavor.
However, it became clear that the idea of ​​making them “great in Europe” was now to destroy the European Union. Mr Salvini said, “Less European, more freedom.”
Some of the participants in the slogan of the event were questioned. “They say they want to make Europe great, but what do they care to defend Europe?” Said Isa Cassañón, 79, a retired architect sitting in the crowd. “It doesn’t deserve it.”
In the collection, a group of untagged bureaucrats as a group intending to sealed in the glass palaces in glass palaces, as a group intending to provoke the economic policy in glass palaces.
Since Russia’s occupation of Ukraine, most of Europe’s major parties have begun to have the importance of spending more money and talk to Mr. Trump from unity to meet potential trade disputes.
However, he spoke very little on the rally to increase cooperation between the EU countries. “It is a pump that works in the opposite of the European Union,” said Le Pen. “Empty the sovereignty of our states to institutionalize the powerlessness.”
When people talked about the great Europe in the event, they talked about Europe’s Christianity to raise a lighthouse and individualities and restore their pride and identities.
Instead of supporting the European Union, a member of the crowd said he preferred to reconstruct the Spanish colonial empire covering Spain and Latin America.
“I have a little bit of a common with Belgium or northern Italian,” said Gonzalo Ruiz, 64, retired meteorologist. “The reunion with South America is the dream.”
Some sections could not be hidden. Some leaders appreciated the free market economy, while others supported protectionism.
Mr Orban, who has long stood for the proximity of Russian President Vladimir V. Putin, criticized the support of Ukraine. “We give Ukraine in a desperate war due to Brussels,” Saturday said.