US Iron Dome needs ‘something completely different’ to deal with distant threats, expert suggests

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President Donald Trump seeks to strengthen the defense of the American homeland with an iron rocket in the US-style Iron rocket system. However, one expert believes that such a system like Israel is not necessary.

“So let me tell you from the beginning, the president uses the term” Iron Dome “as a metaphor.”With Maria in the morning“Monday”. It is perfect for Lebanese Gaza to protect it from Israel, it is not something that the United States needs it. ”

In the first few weeks of President Trump, he signed the murder of executive orders, which was focused on American iron dome. The order addressed the need for the next generation missile defense defense to protect the homeland against “Ballistic, hypersens-sensitive, opposite navigation missiles and other air attacks”, as well as the “Further Development Goals”. “

5 things to know about President Donald Trump’s “American Iron Dome” program

Sacher explained that when it comes to anti-missile defense, the United States needs a more extensive system than Israel to catch remote opponents.

The rocket scientist weighs the domed executable order of Trump Iron

Missile scientist is said to say that the Iron Dome of the American must be different from the Israeli system. (Getty Images)

HotspentProtect the homeland of the United States because the president wants to do, you need something completely different, “he said.You protect against Missiles that have not started from Canada or Mexico … Do you protect against North Korea missiles from China, Russia? [an] An iron dome to draw it. “

The rocket scientist, who has an expert examination in the field of missile defense, later detailed how the system could request the president.

HotspentWhat does the president look? is something likely to be called a space-based interruption. You bring a whole bunch of interrupts in the outer space, and the whole interruption will take place in the outer space. So if you want to call it “iron dome” or you want to call it “Fred”, it’s not a change [an] Iron dome. “

However, Sacher believes that the chances of success in the American iron dome are “excellent”, and that “the United States has a huge amount of engineer and money.” The expert also pointed out the threats that US missile defense may apply to a more complicated shield compared to the Israeli system.

“We’re talking about Korea and West West, China is even farther away. It is one of the threats that America should look at our peer threats.

He continued to compare these threats to the Middle East.

“Such things Gaza and HezbollahIt’s very small, “he said.” It’s a minor league to the United States. “

Sacher also revealed the main challenge when it comes to anti-missile protection systems.

“There are a completely new tech wings that are necessary to do something like this. [The] The hardest thing is to believe or not, not the breakdown, it is not the launcher. Hardest [not even] It’s in the outer space. The hardest thing is to control everything, “he stressed.

He broke different elements to be aware of the Iron Dome.

“He understands what we call a SKY picture,” Sacher stressed. “You must know when you draw an iron dome. Draw it down. ” Imagine doing all that in outer spaceThere are many more and more more than there are many more, which can be wrong, and you have to consider all these things. ”

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Emphasizing the importance of control, the master said that when the situation is resolved in space, the system can be applied to the country.

“If you can solve this problem in the outer space, you can use it to the ground, but a whole bunch of control problems. Fire control, managing electric networks.

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