UK’s AI plans pose ‘existential threat’ to film studios, warns Bridget Jones producer

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The headline of the British Film Studio warned that the British government plans to weaken copyright laws AI’s “Extraic Threat” to the Country Creative Industries.

“We make movies for 40 years [and] It has passed a very serious investor of GDP in the cottage industry, “said Eric glitter, who had adored the Eric Shine since the early 1990s.

“The creative industry is now one of the most important parts of the British economy,” he said. “If they are going to remove the IP from technology companies, that is, our future can make a huge diet in our future ability to create income in the UK.”

The ministers are consulting on the programs “refuse” for artists, authors and companies. The proposals have been criticized by thousands of British musicians and artists, including Kate Bush, Damon Ali, Clashes and Zimmer.

The film has become a major source of economic growth for Great Britain, which has generous tax credits involving Hollywood studios on sites such as Leaven, Pinewood and Shepperton sites.

Eric Shine
Eric glitter. “The creative industry is now one of the most important parts of the United Kingdom economy” © Vianney Le CAER / Shutterstock:

Film and high-quality television production costs in the UK amounted to 5.6 billion pounds 2024.

Working title is best known to some of its romomes with Richard Kurtis such as Noting hillTo be in style Four wedding and funeraland Likes to actuallyBut also has a huge portfolio of more serious dramas such as SennaTo be in style TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPYand recently MaterialA number

This month’s fourth bridget Jones Film, which opened this month, was the largest in the history of the company, said that it predicted that it would spread the last record for 48 million pounds.

“Each area has opened larger than any of the other three Bridget films,” he added. Bridget Jones. About the crazy guy Acquired the highest indicator for a romantic comedy in Britain, as well as the highest figure for a job title movie.

Fans gathered their warmth and comfort at a time when the news is often gloomy, while critics say that the film was junior with young generations. He added:

Meanwhile, older generations remember the first film and the popularity of the original, taboo-heated book. Means nostalgic night with an old friend.

Fells said the audience was “pleasantly surprised by the fact that the scenario is really good. A number of a number of history is much more meaningful and emotional than I think someone is predicted. ”

He said the privilege was unusual to see the actress who played with the actress played in the image of the film.

“Usually people tend to transform,” he added, but “we love the character and are really proud of the fact that the character tells.”

He said that many often the continued work becomes tired. Very, very difficult to continue to be the original world where you have already told three stories. “


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