Two kids in Detroit goes out of life after life with family
Recently, two children froze to death in a vehicle outside the Casino in Detroit. According to Associated PressLocal police confirmed that the children lived in a vehicle with their family and, if possible, moved.
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More about the tragic incident
For context, a 9-year-old boy and a 2-year-old girl died from the cold. Three more children (up to 13 years old) and two adults, including their mothers, also lived in a vehicle.
Reports NBC NEWS On Monday, around 1am, the mother parked her minibus on the 9th floor of the Hollywood garage at the casino. At one point, the vehicle ended against the background of the temperature below the kneading, that is, about 12 degrees at the beginning of Monday. When the mother realized that her 9-year-old girl did not breathe, she called 911, then by the help of a loved one who then came to deliver the boy to a children’s hospital. While her son went on his way with her man to the hospital, her mother checked other children in a minibus. When she noticed that the 2-year-old girl did not breathe, she also called her beloved to return to the girl. According to video footage, the whole family got into the car’s car, after that.
Temporary Police Chief Tod Battison said the family lived by a vehicle for two to three months, and sometimes decided to parked for a casino for safety and access to the toilets.
Detroit mayor says mother sought help from housing to death
The mother of the children contacted the mayor on November 25, seeking help in housing. However, 24 hours after the recent death, Mayor Mike Dagggan showed that the issue of housing was never resolved. In addition, the mayor seemed to indicate the lack of communication at both ends.
“For any reason, this was not considered an emergency that made the information -propaganda employee visit the family.… As far as we have managed to determine so far, the family has never called back,” said Daggan. ” To say, our homeless staff never actively addressed to say, “What happened to your situation? Was it resolved?”
At a press conference, the mayor of Duggan showed that a family shelter with affordable beds was “a few miles” by casinos. He also assured the residents of Detroit that there are 1400 open beds and a certificate for asylum seekers.
“The shortest way for someone in emergencies is to move to the police station. They will navigate the process and bring you to the shelter,” said Mayor Duggan.
In response to the incident, Duggan gave two weeks to his employees to reconsider the history of family contacts with the city. “It’s a terrible day in Detroit”, said the mayor.
At the same time, the other three children remain with relatives, said Police Captain Detroit Duda.
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The Associated Press reporter Ed White has contributed to this report.
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