Today’s notes of Nyt Wordle, Answer and Aid for February 6, #1328- CNET
Seek most recently Wordle response? Click here for today’s hintsAs well as our daily answers and hints for the New York Times Department of Crosswords, Links, Sports Edition and Strands Puzzles.
Today’s Wordle response is something fun, but it can be difficult. The letters are not super common. (Check ours Ranking list Of all letters in the alphabet – this can help you choose your assumptions.) If you need advice and answer for today Wordle puzzleRead on.
Today’s tips for Wordle
Before we show you today Wordle Answer, we will give you some tips. If you don’t want a spoiler, look aside now.
Wordle Hint No 1: Repetitions
Wordle’s reply today has a repeated letter.
Wordle Hint # 2: Vowels
There are two vowels in today’s answer.
Wordle Hint No. 3: Starting Letter
Today’s Wordle response begins with the letter P.
Wordle Hint No. 4: The Eye will see you
Today’s Wordle response may refer to a part of the eye.
Wordle Hint No 5: School Days
Today’s Wordle response may also apply to a student.
Today’s Wordle response
Wordle’s response today is a student.
Yesterday’s Wordle response
Yesterday’s Wordle Reply, February 5, No. 1327, was a pedal
Wordle’s recent answers
February 1, No. 1323: Rivet
February 2, No 1324: Case
February 3, No. 1325: Revue
February 4, No. 1326: Tooth