To the north, the past is a dark and ominous place

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Many of IndemnityThe main characters have no past. InnieWhose Consciousness was created for the sole purpose of working at Lumon Industries, does not remember anything before the day Chip was lifted into their brain And they woke a brand new man.

This whole scenario is your own aroma of views in existential horror of Abyss and is something Indemnity He spends a lot of time studying. But among the characters whose past we know something, the horror of what lurks back there may actually be worse than just a giant black hole of nothing.

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It is difficult to leave this thought while watching Sweet Vitriol, the most recent entry of the show. After being Mia during the bigger part of season two, Harmony Kobel roared an episode that clears mysteries where it comes from, especially the specific environment that shapes it in such lumon durability.

From the beginning we know that harmony is unusually dedicated to Kier Aigan, more recently to Lumin eccentric Founder. In the first season, she has no visible interests or goal other than Lumn, using her time outside the office to get involved-uncomfortably closely, in the life of Mark, whose Ina is her employee and whose external is her neighbor. She has a sanctuary of Kier, stored in her basement, reciting prayers, provoking “Tempers four” and “valuable nine”, and she sings a hymn Kier (“Kier, chose one, Kier/Kier, shining, Kier”) before canceling penalties.

When she is fired at the end of the first season to overcome many boundaries, she is furious in a way that goes beyond just starting from work, even given the fact that she said that Job covers all her identity. “She is a soldier,” the Lumon Reghabi defector calls harmony in season two – and it certainly was. But once she realizes that she has been betrayed by Lumo, there is an ambiguity about how her loyalty can be shifted.

We received reels that harmony could really change its path to Sweet Vitriol, but first we received a lot of details that made us realize what big work it would be if it happened. Raised in the neck of Salt, a former Lumon factory city, which is now depressed destroying what is felt as the literal end of the world, harmony works in the ether mill as a child and even transferred things before her academic achievements attract the attention of Lumon James Eugene’s boss.

Cobel Elena
Harmony early in season, with the daughter of Jame Aigan, Helena, in the background. © Apple TV+

WinTertide’s prestigious scholarship is probably her ticket from Salt’s door and is an important job at the Lumo office in Kier – a career trajectory set by her brilliant compensation procedure, as this moment of a bomb Harmony I created a north, not Jame Aigon. At that time, she embarked on the idea that Kier wanted her to share all her knowledge, which in this case translated “licensed for her boss to take full merit for her genius but sinister invention.”

Harmony’s process to depprogramming from the cult of Kier did not start this week; We know she regrets that she has abandoned her mother to a hate lumin, who ended her days, wheezing in agony in this grim house in Salt’s neck. (The circumstances are made even more dark than the other person living in this house: Sisi, the aunt of harmony, the only person left in the city who still worships Cyrus as God.) Whether harmony will be able to face her past and may make some major changes moving forward.

But harmony is far from the only one Indemnity Character with a past past. (We will not even enter the late Kier Aigan, whose mythology is burned in special anecdotes that may or may not be true: meeting with his future wife, excessive harmful fumes in the ether pit; twin brother who … masturbates to death?)

Since Chihai Bardot was studying in detail, Mark and Jemma’s relationship started with sun and sweetness, but was in the fight mode at the time they were forcibly separated. For them, the look back was an almost too painful perspective, even with those joyful memories that are still present. Mark’s desperate need no Think about his past is why he decided to break first by deciding that he would Give your mind a break from grieving While his Inas was awake.

Even Indemnity The characters who have not received so much of the spotlights mention the past that hint at bad behavior. In the case of Dylan, it is more distinctive than malicious; As the wife of his appearance said to her Ina, he had problems developing his place in life, moving from work to work and hobby to a hobby. Lumo brought him the stability of his career – in this case, as he was cut off apparently he had given him more focus – but his unclear attitude continues at home. We can say (even if Dylan cannot, as he easily tells his calm annoyed wife that he wants to try a new car) that the strain has long since begun to carry his marriage.

Severance Burt 2
What is it hiding? © Apple TV+

But probably the most intriguing development of the second season in terms of a mysterious past – without disrespect for Mark and Jemma or harmony, they have all disappeared through it– Burt was to be. The sixth episode of the second season, “Attila” hinted at some extremely dark behavior that goes back decades In Burt’s life – so evil, he decided to break away, so at least part of him may have a chance to go to the sky with her husband, Fields.

With Salt’s neck finally explained the storyline of Mark and Jemma headed for some The type of revelation of the season-finale, we are dying to dig into Burt’s secrets afterwards. It is even worse that it is clear that whatever mixed, is also bound by a lumin – where his career returns for years before he becomes a cut off a worker around the optics and design paintings.

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