These humanoid robots work together, managing the same AI

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A figure of the robot manufacturer has just introduced new videos in their figure 02 humanoid robots working together to place groceries and sort packages on the mounting line. The two videos show skills that have become possible thanks to the company’s new Helix AI.

Figure first presented his Helix AI, a vision model-linguist action, as a video demonstration showing two of its robots in the home laboratory of the figure, saying orally to leave the food that one put at the counter.

Pair Figure 02 robots work together to leave food.


The spokesman points out that these are objects that robots have never seen before, and asks them to place the objects where they belong.

Robo-buddies are shown working together to ensure that the cheese reaches the refrigerator, the cookies reach the cabinet, and the apple finds itself in the bowl of fruit.

From the video, it seems that robots are initiating their joint movements at the same time. One robot moves to take the bowl at the same time with the other to take the apple.

Figure 02 Robots shown packages for sorting line.


The figure says that both robots work on a set of weight on the neural network at the same time for all behaviors. Weights are one of the settings that neural networks developers can change to influence the resulting production. The presence of permanent weights in robots and behavior facilitates cooperation with multi-ratio and switching tasks easier.

The company also shared a video of a group of Figure 02 robots sorting packages for sorting a mounting line. The figure emphasized in a statement that his robots already have a “rich 3D understanding” thanks to data from two cameras embedded in his head. Unlike human eyes, which are next to each other, Figure 02 Sterevision comes from one camera from top of the other.

Like the previous demonstrations we have seen from the figure, robots are shown sorting of unfamiliar objects, orienting them in a certain way, and correcting their own mistakes.

One Figure 02 Robot feeds another robot package of cookies.


Laboratory demonstrations like these are charming to watch, but they do not provide much information about the robot restrictions. In the demonstration of the home laboratory, foodstuffs are neatly suggested to the robots of the counter with good light, not stuffed in a dark grocery bag, as they are likely to be in real life. The real test of any of these humanoid robots will be how reliable and safe they can be presented in an uncontrolled environment such as home, work or out in the world.

Looking together, these demonstrations give us an idea of ​​the capabilities of Figure 02 in two of the three settings it strives for: the workforce, home and someday in space.

The figure has a lot of competition in these categories. Companies, including the robotics of Agility, Boston Dynamics and Tesla, showed their robots performing packaging and sorting tasks autonomously, and 1x showed a group of their robots performing autonomous tasks such as cleaning.

To see these robots in action, check out the video at the top of this article.


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