The worst mass shooting in the history of Sweden

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The police gave some limited information about the investigation. They said that about 130 officers, in total, responded to the shooting in general and were greeted by “Inferno”. They said they believe that the armed person moves alone.

Family members, former school friends and neighbors said that the Swedish media can be rejected in recent years and suffered in psychological issues.

There are complaints about the development of the case. Bosnian Ambassador Bojan Sosic, who visited the shooting place, learned that the residents were among the dead.

“I choose to hide this strange, at least the police from the relevant embassies of the police,” he said.

Others said they trusted the police, including members of the Syrian community, and only hoped to learn more soon. Syrian Orthodox Priest Kasselia, a broader community “We do not know what the police think, but we believe they have their plans.”

Hundreds of people from Syria, Turk, Iraq and other migrant communities came to Kasselia Church on Thursday. Salim, one of the victims of the shooting, sat on a bench of Salim Iskef. Children from the congregation sounded to the hymns. The Iskef’s family sitting in a Pew near the front was consumed with sorrow.

It’s hard to understand why these attacks are known when the motive is known. It’s more confusing. Several hours before the commemorative service began, Kasselia was sitting in a pew in the empty church, trying to make sense.

“Of course, they die. They are sick, there is an accident,” he said. “But how can we understand this? We were dead in a school. We couldn’t imagine it. We can’t describe it. Why we can’t describe it.”

Kasselia’s said that there is a comfort in hearing from the police that the armed person moved alone. Left less concern than another attack.

“But there was something in the heart of this man, a kind of hatred, gathered together,” he said. “We cannot say that there are no others.”

Additional report by Phelan Chatterjee. Photos Joel Gunter.


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