The rights and wrongs of politicians ‘doing God’
Open the Editor’s Marking Free
Rulla Khalaf, the FT editor, chooses its preferred stories in this week’s news.
It’s always uncomfortable when you feel smuggled when you win a social media, and then a literal grandfather comes and you say you are wrong.
It was the two luck of Donald Trump last week, not Elon Musk, but JD Vance. He turned from Atheism to Catholicism in 2019 as his sponsor in St. August, which first wrote in the fifth century, on which the wing of this clear 21st century is concentrated.
Videos Trump’s “American First” policy of winning was circulated. “As. A number of American citizens have your compassion first of all belong to your fellow citizens, “he said to Fox News Sean Hannity. “There is this old school, and I think it’s a very Christian – a concept. A number of a series of your family, and then you love your neighbor, and then you love your community, and then you can focus on and after that you can focus and then. Can you focus?
Rory Stewart, British politician-turnCentrist-Dadcaster:asked the question with the “odd duration of Vartie”. describing it in x As a “fewer Christian and pagan tribe” and suggested that when “politicians become theologians,” we must all be worried. Whom Vens answered (before some determined not to dig a Christian caring about Stewart’s IQ). “Just Google ‘Ordo Amoris.” A number of a number of the idea that there is no hierarchy of obligations violates the main common meaning. Does Rori really think that his moral responsibilities are the same for his children as his responsibilities for a stranger who lives thousands miles? Someone. “
I consider it a very interesting question not only in terms of Christian doctrine, but Secular ethics wider widelyI also think that it is not a bad thing that a politician can treat theological or moral issues so seriously. But that does not mean that Vans has correctly understood the nature of Christian love.
It was clear who Pope Pope Rome took the debate when he published letter to the last Monday to the American bishops. “Christian love is not a concentration of interests, which is less common for other people and groups,” he wrote. “Truth The order of love This should be stimulated by what we discover, constantly pondering the parable of the “good Samaritan” parable. A number of a number, pondering the love that opens upon everyone, without exception. “
Perhaps a sign of respect in 2020 that “Many American Catholics” could not properly show back to the grandfather (as opposed to Tsar Tsar Tom homan, who said the Pope [sic] Pita fix the Catholic Church. “) But at the risk of seeming to be desired, I am not sure that pastoral Really caught the nuance of what it arrived. nor Stewart.
We can all think about the people who can be much more compassion for thousands of miles for the suffering of those who are easily ideal for their own. It is fair to criticize this impulse. And while for the Pope, everything is very good for “Light for everyone”, it is certainly morally right and proper to love your family than you do a random stranger. As philosopher Bernard Williams wroteThe man who should think about saving a stranger or his wife.
But what about when a stranger needs larger than your family member? This is despite the fact that Vans seems to have not received his head around the nuance, according to David Ferguson of the University of Cambridge. While Thomas Aquinas, who expanded the idea of August The order of love He suggested that we have commitments to those close to us, so we should always prioritize them. “Obligations can prevail when someone needs some bigger,” says Ferguson. “Exigency can prevail in the neighborhood.”
Having politicians who express interest in the Christian theology are not a bad thing. What is more fiercely when they seek to use religion as some mental or moral cover, in particular when they are wrong. Vice President’s Aquinas Mangling is symptomatic for most Maga project. Vance, clear, smart man. But is he less shocking bright than he believes himself? Well, a number of Pope is Catholic.