The only Disney movie with almost ideal metacritic parties

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The first in Disney’s history animated by Disney’s movie, “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs,” there was a big game It helped cinema develop as an environment. This proved that animation can be not only a short, flip fluff that played before the main attraction. In addition, the film animators used the new technologies of that time, such as large Cels and multiple cameras to create small details and essential watercolors, breaking the new soil along the way. Whatever it is, it’s a studio another Animated function, 1940s “Pinocchio”, which remains the most well-viewed film.

“Pinocchio”, of course, is based on the novel by Carl Kolodi in 1883 “Pinocchio’s Adventures”, which emerged as a children’s series. His plot focuses on the title character (Dick Jones), a wooden puppet, which is magically embodied, but still longing for being a boy and a blood. However, he soon discovers that a person’s life is not easy; The danger is hidden at every corner and you have to work a lot for what you want.

Not only is the Pinocchio have Ideal 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes, But this is also the highest rating title of Disney Metakritic with a score of 99, indicating “universal recognition”. (Don’t worry with Wooden RemakesWhich has a “usually unfavorable” number 33 on metacriotic.

Disney’s Pinocchio – This is Marvel Technicolor

One of the reasons for Pinocchio is so highly appreciated by a painstakingly developed Technicolor animation. Each of his characters has a bold style and design; Each color pops up-the bright blue bow of the beetroot and wooden blockages to its “conscience” by Jimina Cryquet (Edwards), the DAPPER costume, the giant giant-gold giant, ruby-red lips and eyes, as well as the blue fairy. They also move in view of the fluidity and stand out in connection with the intricate background that make their world feel both moody and nightmare, creating a very dynamic viewing experience.

You can see each groove in the timber of the hept workshop, and the ocean waves move with the impressionistic flow. Even just the only major plan Monstro demonstrates all the careful details that entered each shot. You see how animators carefully painted the wet, the skin of the sperm and the smooth, glass eye. A European-style village, in which Pinocio lives with its elderly creator of the Guptian RUB, is warm and attractive, while the watercolor background of the insidious island is a horrible, horrible glow over the sights. Each shot of the film is simply fascinating to see.

The Pirokio has a convincing mixture of innocence and darkness

Early Disney films are more intestinal than what will become a studio standard dreamed princess tariff. Errors that give gullible Pinocchio and the threats that it faces many villains of the movie (starting with the disease of Walter Cotletta’s anthropomorphic fox are truly horrifying and have high tables. Boys who turn into donkeys and enslaved for the work.

That is why “Pinocchio” is so emotionally catars – not only for young viewers, but also for adults. It seems unlikely that the naive little titular puppet survived untouched, making it a desperate desire to become a good son for a hept and become a real boy, feeling even more urgent. His love for a hept is so strong that he is ready to enter the China’s literal belly.

Like these scenes, they are balanced by delicate moments such as a soft and soothing ballad, “if you want on the star.” This specific song captures the useful, heartfelt conviction of the movie that hopes are enough to crystallize in the truth. Ultimately, “Pinocchio” combines innocence and darkness in such a way that several other Disney films, making this early masterpiece almost about the nearest studio to study the horror genre in animation.


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