The NCIS creator threatened to cancel the show over one Casting decision

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Casting for TV Series right now; The creators must consider each actor before maturation and/or development as their ability to work and play well with others. You may be able to get out of throwing a bit of an unfriendly movie (although most of the directors I said to strictly scare away this line of thinking), but if someone even just unchanged during the casting process, they could make life of all the misery over the long relocation and It’s just not worth it.

Obviously As “Hylile Island” inspirer Sherwood Schwartz would tell you), but a compromise is always necessary. Sometimes your first choice suddenly becomes inaccessible, sometimes they want too much money, and sometimes a net or a studio plane do not like them and orders you to quit someone else (it’s not television but Jonathan Benett briefly bounced off the “among the girls” from -in the studio intervention).

And sometimes you say, “Screw compromise, I want this person, and if you don’t give them them, I won’t give you a show.” This is a baller that requires a serious setup, but it was Donald P. Belisario in 2003 when he collected NCIS.

Donald P. Belisario was all at the casting of David McColuman

When “NCIS” (originally under the name “Navy: NCIS”) is preparing for the lapel of “Jag” Belisario, he had very specific casting requirements. Anyone who wasn’t supposed to be very controversial was his desire to throw David McColum, the actor veteran and Former representative of the fashion plate Ilya Kuriakin On the original NBC’s “man from the uncle” as a medical expert, Dr. Donald “Daki” Malad.

Unfortunately, network costumes usually do not know about the history of their environment and simple Stagosta, so they are strongly pushed away from rejecting a 70-year-old actor in such a noticeable role. Like James Whitmore -Jr. who managed many episodes “NCIS” during Retrospective 2023 in Hollywood Reporter:

“When they throw David McColuman as Ducky, the studio said,” In any case, we do not throw this old actor in the role. “And Don (Belisario) said,” If you don’t, we don’t. ” Such a serious attitude to this.

What was CBS against MCCALLUM? According to the head of the network casting, it was his Britishness. “The feeling was:” Can you do it? ” ” – he remembered.” It was such an American show. “

CBS Studios President David Stapf:

“I felt like the show would probably not do so well in the world because it was about the American military unit. So why would other countries perceive it? But I think (it goes) back to the versatility of the good vs. Evil against evil. “

The studio gave way, thus paving the road to Daki McCaluman becomes one of the most beloved heroes of the series before his death at the age of 90 in 2023. Lesson? Follow the weapon, especially if you have already made the MedDlesome Dollar network through other series of hits (in the case of Belisario, it would be the original run by Tom Selek “Magnum Pi” and “Jag”).


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