The most mute contemporary role trail is an unhappy necessity

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By Robert’s boiling
| Updated

Modern technologies have left the stuck directors, you need to address the use of a cell phone, creating one of the most annoying movies I have encountered. Think about how many main characters could be deprived if they had a working GPS, 911 on Speed ​​Dial, or even play “deep focus” on Spotify, which they could use to control breathing using the training so that they could not hide in the closet. This relatively new Trope horror movie somehow grows its ugly head, shape or shape, often to the detriment of the room.

Throwing out a mobile phone


After viewing Conference and Trap mouseI noticed a sample in modern horror films that I can no longer ignore, and this is a trop involving heroes who recognize the existence of cell phones, and their willingness to give them so that they can leave defenseless when all start heated.

Both films have the same exchanges to solve the movie -Territory of the horror movie, but they are engaged in a very different one.

ConferenceThe installation of team -related teams in the countryside, copes with the problem somewhat exquisite. Before the day of construction of rafts and fasteners, the group leader urges each participant to put his mobile phones in a safe box, making Trope Trope in this context. I am ready to suspend some unbelief because I was in such stupid works and no one wants to throw my iPhone into the lake and pay the ass for replacing.

The same is decided by the tropes Trap mouse So, what makes me like the viewer feel as heroes quickly swirled in a quick exchange to turn, so we put all our phones in the bag and lock it up, making it completely inaccessible before we get killed

While both of the above movies enter the horror comedy and do not take them too seriously, they use the same mobile phone traveled with wildly different results; The first exchange is true and the second feels like a cabbage that removes me from the movie.

This is your fault you died before death, a stupid idiot!


One of the most satisfying (and horrible) deaths from the horrors that I saw if you saw BackWhen Alex (Jeff Rupa) handles a cell phone trop one of the most idiotic ways. Concerned that his girl, Jen (Miss Miss) will spend too much time, responding to work related to hiking into a deep desert where he plans to offer her, finding his favorite baby lake (without cards, of course) , Alex secretly picks up his mobile phone and leaves it in a parked car before getting into the forest where the bear attacks are a legitimate danger that should not be easily perceived. A warning spoiler, Alex is not the one who thinks he is, and he is thwarted.

Back True, but the film also undermines itself because every horrible thing happens with a couple in the woods is a 100 percent Alex, which made me shout: “She will not marry you!” The second I realized that they did not threaten if Alex did not throw a cellphone.

While Alex had good intentions and just wanted to have the perfect romantic vacation with his girlfriend, he ended up ripping on flakes, leaving his girlfriend without mobile phones lost in the woods without access to help. If Jen just took a cellphone with her and said, “Hey, we don’t have to think that Alex’s death was the result of his firecrackers.

Let the antagonists make a heavy rise


Direct edge barrel It had the right idea when the home invaders used the signal -gou to disrupt the mobile phone service all in the radius, they were sure no one escape. Each character at the party with a mobile phone at the same time confronts the same problem, and Brad (Cory Kays) confirms the quick dialogue line that the attackers freezed the signal. Trope Trope with a movie staff is quickly decided without removing the movie from the movie, a bloody bath begins, and bing, explosion, boom, a lot of people dying.

Fear, Inc.. It also works great while working on a mobile phone in its horror story without being a straight nod to the path, but rather integrating technology into the narrative to strengthen its tension. After hiring a titular company that turns its life into allegedly modeled nightmare Slasher (for entertainment), Joe calls 911 on his mobile phone, not knowing that his device is programmed to redirect the call to fear, incorporating it unintended The most people who try to kill him.

Classics and works of the period with this should not fight

One of the reasons when I was attracted to horror movies in the early 90’s or earlier because Trope cell phone is not a release. If the land lines were still ubiquitous, all that had to be done was to cut power and boom, without phones. It was done so unobstructed that it was not even necessary to think about it.

Liberty has a serial killer or killer? Well, they are going to make a threatening call from Payphone, talking through the sock, and when they move fast enough, the authorities are not able to find them. Could you imagine (Donald honoring) in Halloween? The movie ended before it even started.

Fortunately, the trails of the horror movie were not annoying that day.

Correctly … The force is cut out, Mom and Dad is not at home, and the mask killer works through every room in your home. Not a mobile phone in sight. Just people who live at the moment.


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