The most hated scoundrels buffs -the boobs secretly perfect

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By Chris Snowlings
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In Buffy -VampireTrio – one of the most hated villains, especially after one of their members (Warren) accidentally kills a girlfriend Willov Tara. Most of the supporters of the retrospectively see these scoundrels as a perfectly -emblematically problematic sixth sixth season of the show. However trio is actually perfect Buffy villains because they emphasize one of the most powerful topics in horror: that unpredictable people end up much more dangerous than any monster.


Those who were Belarus Fans from the beginning often claim that the trio is poor scoundrels because they are not as metaphorical as other iconic characters. This is a show where the fantastic was always a mirror for the earth. For example, an angel that turns into evil after having sex with Buffy is a deliberate metaphor for young people who express themselves as jerks after sleeping with their girlfriends. Compared to BelarusMany other metaphors (such as spells representing sex, and a wizard representing a remote father Buff), a trio of dissatisfied wisdom may seem a little sad.

However these bad guys were secretly shiny Creation of writers shows because they embody one of the longest topics with horror. Namely, people are inherently more dangerous than the monsters they fight with. Zombie movies like Dawn of the dead and shows similar Walking deadFor example, emphasizes how the unpredictability of people makes them more dangerous than the predictable danger of zombies. In BelarusThis idea is presented by the fact that vampires are due to instinct, but human threats cause chaos further that is something Vamp can do with its dark magic.

There are many other examples of people in Belarus Being more dangerous than the shows. The main syndrome was an early example of a human enemy who could successfully threaten our heroes in the bright time, and the affordable commitment to the collection allowed him to kill many victims (including the Observers Council!). And although both of them have bought out, and the willow, and the faith prove that people who cover their inner dark side can cause more harm than even the most intelligent vomits.

Great scoundrels

So what it does Belarus The villain history lesson is connected with why the trio is such big scoundrels? On the one hand, Warren fits directly into the form of the above human scoundrels. He kept the killer on his legs virtually all season 6, using a number of schemes that work with both magic and technology. How much do you think how many vampires and werewolves Groundhog day Loop of time?

For another BelarusThe evil trio fits in the season, which, for the better or worse, threw more relative difficulties on our title hero. Of course, the killer still fought with fantastic monsters from the week to the week, but these guys were a fracture compared to such problems as the payment of mortgage, playing surrogate mothers and threw out their toxic guy. In the season, when the mud was made into a terrible, miserable human villain, like Warren, fits straight.

Finally, BelarusThe trio was the ideal reflection of the main topic of the 6 season: the danger of magic. In the same season, which showed that the willow admired the dark states, he also showed the danger of hatred that access his own magical abilities. Of course, the 7th season went along this contradictory storyline (the magic was no longer admired), but at the time the trio served as a reflection of this story, even when they distracted us from an increasing threat to willow.

No one can deny that Warren accidentally shoots the Tara is a tragic moment, but this horrible scene brings us back to the eternal theme that people are more dangerous than monsters. You can call a series of magical wards to protect from things that are introduced at night, but no one can prevent Warren appear with a gun and accidentally kill a powerful witch. Lesson Understandable: Horror in men – that’s what Buffy can never kill, and that’s what everyone is in Sunnydale and Everyone who looks should be monitored forever.

If it sounds gloomy, well … What else did you expect from the 6 season?


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