The largest victims of the Disney Star Wars trilogy
By Chris Snowlings
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When the Star Wars trilogy came out, some disappointed fans complained how many these films somehow ruined their childhood. These fans seemed to draw themselves as victims of Disney’s oppression, as if a mega -corporation that had the rights to their favorite spaceships, if -the it would be less The money that is hungry and confused than the billionaire they bought. These supporters are increasingly desperately howling to obscure the real victims of the long -term stars of Disney, and these are leading actors.
“Star Wars” actors receive shaft

The original “Star Wars” films in a great way raised the career of the chief actors, making Carey Fisher, Mark Hamil and especially Harrison Ford in home names. And over time penetrated the original release Force awakenThe fans were every reason to assume that the last actors in the galaxy were far away and the career explosion. It never been and it is much that Dysne Released what otherwise may be their most profitable IP.
Now is probably a part when fans’ star wars Daisy Ridley did a bad job. However, Ridley is actually much A solid actor who is visible in many projects that are not included in the stars starting from Close control by Murder on Orient Express. The problem was never that Ridley was a bad actor. Instead, the problem was that this talented performer was effectively carried on poorly written movies that did not have ounce Creative cohesion takes place behind the scenes.
The same can be with another big star “star wars”, John Boygo. His hero is ubiquitous in terms of writing and motivation, but it is the fault of writers who could not decide on important characters, for example, he will be a Jedi or not. Like the Ridley, the booty is there insanely talented by killing it in movies like Attack the block and an ontological movie Little axFor which he earned Amy for the best actor – Television.

From the main trio from the continuation of the Star Wars, Oscar Isaac is the only one who enjoys great success outside this franchise. Isaac is also known for such movies Inside the Llivin Davis. Ex Machinaand The most violent year. All these films were released earlier Force awakenAlthough Isaac also succeeded on a small screen, with its mini -factories Show me the hero Earning the Golden Globe for the best actor – mini -series or television film.
Now you probably ask why the summary of these actors “Star Wars has flourished. Senior Isaac had already had a little more experience, but the appearance in the” Star Wars “markedly obscured everything he has done since Force awaken. Comparatively, Ridley and Boire were recruited by Disney before they had great acting experience, and the failure of this famous franchise can keep them from If -no Getting significant roles they deserve.
In the end, we can understand why many hate the “star wars” trilogy, but this is only Bonk to blame the failure of this movie, not writers, producers and executives who spoke to turn this franchise into a soulless inclination. The truth is that it is some of the most talented actors in Hollywood, but now they can forever hold out the huge creative failure of Disney. Then the biggest victims of the Star Wars will never be supporters … These will be talented actors who enlivened this galaxy into life before their career got into the pit of Sarlak.