The ideal science fiction movie of the 80s is now broadcast free
By Chris Snowlings
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If you are in the mood to watch a classic horror movie, you can’t make a mistake with many vintage films from the 80s. Scalars of this decade have defined the whole genre, and we now have whole generations of fans who have fallen in love with the iconic characters like Jason Wurchis and Freddie Krugger. If you are configured to something a little different from the best decade of horror, here are some good news: now you can transmit an instant classic genre Sliced ​​mall Free on Tubi.
Sliced ​​mall – clean 1980s

Story Sliced ​​mall It breaks down two of the largest cultural documents of America in the 1980s. Namely: shopping centers and robots. In this film, the local shopping center receives an advanced security system in the form of robots that will patrol the mall and store buyers and shops as well and safe. However, lightning leads to a malfunction of these machines, leading to hunting for robots and murdering all whom they see, starting with teenagers whose entrance parties suddenly turn into a frantic struggle for their lives.
The acting warehouse Sliced ​​mall Full of bodly actors who were large in the 80s, including Kelly Maroni (the most famous Fast time in Ridgemont High) and Tony O’Del (the most famous Baby karate and its popular Spinoff Netflix Cobra kai). Except Eating Raul. Sliced ​​mall Also stars Barbara Kraftan, valid Scream The queen who appeared in Re -Annimir. Puppet Master. The lock is the saviorAnd countless other horrors.
In addition to all this great talent in front of the camera, behind the camera there is a rather large genre name: Jim Vayrynsky. It isn’t quite home name but it is Sliced ​​mall The director was Protector Roger Korman and brought us other amazing magnificent horror movies as Deathstalker 2. Retrieval The swamp thing. Slaughter. Beastmaster 2: Through Portal Timeand much more. In a funny little turn the director also provides voice Sliced ​​mall‘s tireless murders.

While Sliced ​​mall For many years, it has become a real iconic classic, it has not impressed critics after its original release. Upon Rotten tomatoesThe film has a critical assessment of 55 percent. This means that the movie falls on 5 points, ashamed of “fresh”, and like many horror movies before and after, it left professional critics cold.
So time answer the question is even hotter than Killbot, inflicted by lightning: why the hell I recommend watching Sliced ​​mallThe film about what few people heard and which mostly failed to hit critics? On the one hand, this movie offers a little old and a little new for fans of ancient horror. That is, it has all the attributes of classic cuts down to the unfortunate, crazy sects that would be at home in Crystal Lake, but they are hunting tireless robots, not psychotic psychomatic hockey.

Another factor in Sliced ​​mallThe task is that it offers the right amount of nostalgia for those who have actually grown in the 80s. Later projects like Unfamiliar things would have tried to capture the mood of this decade but this show could never Compare the cheerful authenticity of the movie, which just disassembled the robots -the hobbies and the mall. It is also good for him to hang out well at such a class shopping center that you are most likely tempted to shop, even if it meant the evasion of laser rays with Killbots (honestly, I would better cope with them than the policeman Paul Blart).
Finally, Sliced ​​mall full of excellent performances. Of course, these are not the biggest names in the world, but these actors enliven their unhappy teenagers in some very memorable ways. Scalars are just the same kind as their heroes, and this eclectic acting makes Sliced ​​mall One of the best horror movies that is if you are made.

You will find Sliced ​​mall As interesting as I do or do you want to throw this movie in the trash outside the food card? You don’t know until you carry it it’s a bath For yourself. Come on Killbots and stay on the philosophical question: is this really cut mall if these bio -throat never do the actual cutting?