The genuine cause of the director Ivan Reythman never did ghostbusters 3
Follow Limited success in the “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire”, There is an argument that may now be the time to forever give up the ghost (housing). Five films, and figures suggest that the franchise is not what it used to be. But then, if Ivan Reitman had his way, he probably would not allow it to get. During the appearance on Nile Brennana Podcast “Blocks”The son of Reitman and director “Ghostbusters: Fasting Life”, Jason Reitman, revealed why his father never returned to the fire after “Ghostbusters II” to give the world “Ghostbusters III”. In the flourishing industry, giving us the same, Ivan Reitman was happier, doing everything except, and perhaps preferred to close the trap forever after the “ghosts” in 1984.
“My dad never understood the sequel. My dad was like,” I don’t know why people wanted to go back to it, “Jason Reitman explained. When it came to his own continuation in Franchise, the young director got an ambiguous reception from his father. As he This says:
“When I wrote” Fasting Life “and you meet with this girl, and she is like going out in Oklah, and she finds a proton package, and my dad looks like:” That’s great. “And then terrorist dogs appeared that The same is the same as the ’84, and he looks like, “Why Gazer? He just looks like: “Can I just have a new story?”
This enthusiasm is most commonly used by the Hollywood formula also explains its lack of interest in one of the most affected franchise creative elections.
Little love for Ivan Reythman’s continuation visible in Ghostbusters II
Although for many it is still a popular recording, there is no question that’s in Rating of “Ghostbusters” movies“Ghostbusters II” simply does not get to the place among the fans as its predecessor. Lady Liberty and Vigo The Carpathian (Wilhelm von Homburg) performances, not so much care for a second walk with the team as before, including poor attention to their ECTO-1 trip. “That’s how my dad took care of the continuation: Ghostbusters in Ghostbusters II, he has (Lostbusters II Logo). The fans did not go unnoticed, but his father had very little concern.
It would take some time before the junior director in the family received a reply (if you could call it). “I asked him through the years, it seemed to me:” Why is the Ghostbusters logo for continuing on Ecto-1? Do they know that they are in continuation? Do they have ghostbusters ghostbusters with a with A two on their physical machine? ‘My dad just looked like, “Yes, it was probably a mistake.” Like, he was just not worried (). “It was this lack of interest in the most favorite paranormal investigators in the world created such a vacuum in the history of the team, and why Jason Reitman saw the potential in returning them to break the ghosts again.
The current state of the film industry is the opposite of Ivan Reitman
Over time, the love of viewers has not changed. While Jason Reitman admits that this is the landscape of the film industry now is not what his father was. “I think this is one of the reasons that the franchise” ghosts “did not bloom, for example, consistently for decades, because my dad, after” Ghostbusters “looked like” I’ll go “to” twins “. He did “Ghostbusters II” and then nothing for years. ” Not before 2016, the lack of a ghost team ended, just to meet a rather negative reception. “Ghosts: Answer the call” Paul Feiga: Answer the bell while earning some fans, the negative was covered Dan Aicroid is still behind the decision.
Then, in 2021, we will return to a good filled mucus with Jason Reitman, which connected the points that have remained intact for three decades. By this point, the director was already aware that he was coming against, starting proton packages again. “The thing that people love about Marvel, where each part of this franchise, be it lunch or comic, affects the collective story. This is the opposite of my father. My father was this:” I just want to go tell a new story. “” Ultimately Ivan Reitman was happy to put things to rest, and maybe it had to be done from the beginning.