The first order would save the inheritance “Star Wars” Luke Skywalker

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By Chris Snowlings
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To date the most shocking moment of the trilogy “Star Wars Last Jed. This movie reflects it as a noble sacrifice; Luke abandons his life (such as Kenobi Obi) to help Ray, Lei and the rest of the resistance to avoid first order. However, movies make it clear that the first order will be early than later, and perhaps make Luke Skywalker’s sacrifice completely meaningless.

The first order was convicted

Star Wars Huks

For the most part, the continuation of the Star Wars did not so much violate the form of the original trilogy. The resistance, of course, was to be a similar rebel, up to Lei, who was their leader. The first order must be similar to the empire, but they are much worse than their predecessors who are without resistance, Luke Skywalker It would still be alive.

The reason for this is that the first order is an island and self -destruct, unlike the empire. In New hopewe see Darth Vader Make a colleague, but he ceases to do so on the team of Great Moffa Tarkin. The message was understood: it is an organization with colorful characters, but the excesses of characters such as the Vader are inspected by the same bureaucracy that covers the galaxy that the rebels had so many problems with the victory.

Now in the Vadera of the First Order was Kaylo Ren, like Luke Skywalker, which was sustainability. But we see Ren as basically without checking the ball of rage. He is the guy who begins to destroy the company’s property when he has a wide. If Force awaken He taught us nothing about Kaylo Ren, this is that he is only one bad day when he accidentally destroyed the ship he was on, waving his light sword around like an angry baby.

Luke Skywalker

But what is the attitude of this character trait Kylo Ren associated with the incompetence of the first order and the potential survival of Luke Skywalker? Ren, in other words, is not a stranger in this organization. Instead, he is just the only short -term fascist with the powers of the Space Master. And it is part of an organization that was destined to unleash on its own without shooting from a single shot, but the intervention of good guys killed countless people, including the last Jedi master of the Galaxy.

This inevitable self-destruction is partly because the first order is a military organization compliance with the rules of the sieve. Basically, they reward those who kill their masters. For example, Kaylo Ren kills Snok and instantly acquires the title of supreme leader. Starting on their own tools, the participants of the first order simply continue to kill their leaders until the best died and escaped, leaving no October empire, which never threatened the resistance or Luke Skyoker.

Except Force awaken The moment when these bad guys destroy the entire stellar system, including the capital of the new republic. The empire was wise enough to use a death star as a tool to force obedience, but Kylo Ren and the company just want to burn planets in the orgy of destruction. In short, the first order was never Going to achieve the empire, and Luke Skywalker would have lived if these scoundrels were simply allowed self -destruction.

Last Jed

Do not understand us wrong: the first order is perhaps one of the coolest things about the deeply understood trilogy of “star wars”. However, these scoundrels are so multiplication of evil that it is impossible to take them seriously, and it is clear that they would stand out on their own, especially with palpatin, which perform such poor work from the shadow. And if the first order was allowed to die off on its own, just think: the rebel -hero Luke Skywalker will still be alive.

Of course, it would be bitter and grumpy bow. Given this, we don’t which He crashed that he died.


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