The endings of the main characters ranked rating

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This article contains spoilers For “Cobra Kai” 6 season, part 3.

And we have there. “Cobra Kai” bowed to the last time, and the 6th part of the season 3 brought Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) and the 41-year journey Daniel Larus (Ralph McChio). But on the way, other fighters who were just as determined and committed to be the best around them, joined them on their way, which led to some sincere events. During our six incredible and ridiculous seasons, we witnessed high -school mass fights, attacks and an actual break in prison. Three people even died with -was (checks the notes) The school war that was supposed to end years ago. However, in peacetime, it seems, finally came to the valley when the “cobra” came to the conclusion. All you have to do is decide who received the best shipment because of it.

Having allocated each strike, the back and broken wooden board, we looked at a few characters in “Cobra Kai” to determine which of their endings was the most worthy of the story we followed. To make sure that the balance remains, we have tried some of the best dynamic shows and broke what their ending was worth. Some of them remained flying to the sunset, while others remained high and no longer mentioned (surprising). However, all this was in the name of the show, which was fueled by pure nostalgia and karatem chop, and we cannot imagine the world without it.

5. Miguel and Samantha

For some characters, the final season is not about how their stories are over, but just about what they are made and left the road for more important. This is really what was felt in the case of Samantha Larus (Mary Museum) and Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña). These teenagers who hit the hit, which spent numerous blows to the head, met with the most violent battle when it turned out that Sam was heading to Japan to find himself and try a long distance with his cute school. Well, we say “tough.” The problem was considered as a whole episode, although there were much more pressing issues that simply did not work, namely, the big obstacle that looked from the Iron Dragons camp.

It was not unfamiliar as a fight against the Frankenstein confrontation team. It was a story that broke out as fast as it started, and simply emphasized that one of the leading couples was left. As a result, when Miguel appeared at the airport to join Samantha in Japan, it’s just another hoop to get to the finish line. We are glad that Miguel and Samantha lived happily; It is a shame that the road that got there was so flat and uninteresting compared to others in the final section of the show.

4. Selected and Kim Da-Son

One of the best things to “cobra kai” if -did not do the incredible movement of strength to bring Daniel and Johnny some backup in the form of Chozen Toguchi (Yuji Okumoto). It welcomed another former villain who turned the ally to mix things best and became a secret weapon show (and, secretly, its best meaning). The arrangement of such praise should guarantee that Chozen is a decent end and he definitely got this Search for a surprise novel And the future with whom Da-Eun (Alicia Khan-kim). But, like many of the weaker endings of the characters for some fighters for the “cobra”, she did not receive the breathing room he needed.

It is clear that by dividing the final season into three parts (you don’t even think about it, “unfamiliar things”), the creators of the show reflected who would get most of the attention in Pet 3. It was some time to shine, brotherhood with the enemy in Part 2 , but that doesn’t mean that it had to score as much as it was in the last act of the show. It was not the ending that Chosen deserved. This guy turned himself as much as Johnny and Daniel, and then some, so the smile and the wink of Kim Da-yun did not reduce him. So far, the best way to replenish this is the only reasonable: give the creation of “Cobra Kai” to put “chozen” at the top of the affairs list.

3. Robbie and Torah

This may be the rating of the characters’ endings, but when it comes to short straws, there is no doubt that Robbie (Tanner Bucunnan) and Torah (Payton’s list) got the worst choice. Starting with the remote son of Johnny, who found refuge in the Larus camp, Kin had the potential to become the same heroic young champion as Miguel, but he was gradually pushed to the back line, as the show reached its climax. Even when training virtual reality (which, we will not lie, it was clinging), it did not prevent Robbie to get his lunch and finish the season on the crutches instead of the podium.

Of course, everything was not lost. The exception of his act allowed him to recognize his feelings tora, which was a lifted and long -awaited moment for those who watched the show over the last few seasons. It also ended that one of the most violent showers earned after the loss of the mother and referred from the karate -buzz, which she had for so long. The expulsion of this from both, which reached the status of influence and the energy drink, provided a suitable end of one of the pair of electricity shows. Cobra Kai always went on the shortcomings, but this couple won every successful victory that came to the end.

2. John circle and Terry Silver

In the last section of John Croza (Martin Kova) and his former Terry Silver Crime Crime (Thomas Jan Griffith) there is anything to love and sincerely convene in John Croza’s last section (Martin Kov) Crime. Both reached the end of the line in the final part of the “cobra kai” and they were ready to see each other when they got there. The only problem was that when their time finally came, the next episode was not, and it was not even highlighted in the rest of the world “Cobra Kai”. It is also undoubtedly strange on the brands for both villains that were products of their era, and both finally adapted to the times that became their last battle on the boat.

In the penultimate episode of the show, the founder Cobra Kai stopped pulling GI for a billion times and fought with a former friend to restore some honor and descended as someone strives for redemption rather than a straight villain. But his opponent could not care less. With a life -threatening illness that took over the day, Silver greeted his disassembly from the Craz, which led to a dubious battle scene where stunt and boat were conducted on the test. It is hockey as hell, but perfectly poetic; The Krez and Silver exit gathered each cheese aspect “Cobra Kai” and provided it right. They were The best of the scoundrels “karate” And we will not forget them (even if everyone else seemed).

1. Johnny Lawrence and Daniel Larus

It started with them, so it is just the right thing that the “cobra” ended with them, and it did it brilliantly. Finally, having taken the paths on which they were, Daniel bowed to his duty to become as good as a teacher as his former teacher, and helped manage the man he defeated all those years ago to the victory, which was well and really deserved. He rushed, as it was, the final episode of “Cobra Kai” reminded us that the show was and always was about Johnny, and his last fight was made for a better character in the show.

John Crois Johnny is really a changed man in his last round with wolf (Lewis Tan). This is also not a one -off thing. Throughout the series, we saw Johnny turned the corner just to get back to his old ways. By the time the loans are rolled on Cobra Kai, it is clear that he treats all the balance he always talked about, his French, and he is not the only one. Hearing that Daniel assures the silver “cobra kai never dies”, it was enough to make sure that a former “karat kid”, which was the same as his path as his longtime rival, begins to change for the better. Everything it took was six seasons and about 40 years to get there. Mr Miyaga will be proud of Daniel-san.

“Cobra Kai” is now broadcast on Netflix.


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