The city of Manila offers grace for mosquitoes as Dengue rises
In one of the most densely populated city centers, officials offer cash prizes for mosquitoes, offers a cash prize to stop the spread of Denge.
Carlito Cernal, Central Manilada Barangay’s additional hills, announced a peso (less than the United States) for every five mosquitoes.
The news of grace made the news of social media, Mr. Cernal defended if necessary for the health of society.
The move is followed by the last spike in the circumstances of Denge, spread by mosquitoes in the Philippines.
The program, which will last for at least a month, said two students were killed in the neighborhood of Mr. Cernal.
The grace was added to all the mosquitoes – the dead or alive – and their larvae, Mr. Cernal. Live mosquitoes will be destroyed using ultraviolet light.
So far, a total of 21 people who brought a total of 700 Azerbaijani mosquitoes and radiance to the BBC.
After the late Tuesday, the grace mocked rapidly.
“Mosquitoes are coming to farm,” he read a social media comment. “If there is a wing, will the mosquito be rejected?” Read another.
The Philippine Health Department (DOH) said the BBC “fought the good intentions of local government executives with Dengue.”
In return for cash, it was an effective way of detention of mosquitoes, when asked, he refused to comment.
“We call all the things to apply for and coordinate the evidence based on all local medical workers or DOH regional office,” he said.
Mr. Cernal knew that the grace was buried on social media, but it added: “This is one of the largest and most densely areas. We must do something to help local leadership.”
Drew attention to this Local health bodies, 44th Dengue incident in the society during the last increase in infections.
Barangay added hills, about 70,000 people in about 70,000 people, was in 162 hectares in the center of the capital Metro Manila.
Mr. Cernal said that the current measures are planned to have existing measures, such as the streets clean and prevent the streets and preventing water structure.
Dengue is endemic in tropical countries and what happens in urban areas that allow the viral mosquitoes to increase the mosquitoes often occur.
In severe cases, Dengue causes internal bleeding that can cause death. His symptoms include headaches, nausea, joint and muscle pain.
The Philippine government recently noted the increase in national Dengue cases due to seasonal rains. DOH, this is a jumping in 28,234 business on February 1, he said that it was a jump to 40% before.
The department recommended the people to protect the cleanliness of the surroundings, destroying potential mosquitoes such as tires, to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants and apply the mosquito repug.
In addition to the Dengue, the rains have hit a spike and leptospirosis, a spike and leptospirosis, which are raps-bounde disease, while walking in flood waters.