The best fantastic movie decade is finally on Netflix

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By Jonathan Chat
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The most successful fantastic films of all time “The Lord of the Rings” and Harry Potter prevailed on top of the mountain for decades, but recently the genre has survived the revival due to the rise of the podcasts. Actual Play Podcasts involving players passing through a desktop RPG have become one of the hottest genres of the new carrier, and the best of them, including Critical role. Size 20and Not another podcast d & dbased on Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. You might think that 2023 Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thievesThe best movie about the fantasy of the last decade would be a hit, but instead it is disappointed at the box office (by the irony of fate, thanks to the owner of the franchise, the wizard of the coast, the terrible term), but now it finally has the opportunity to develop the following in Netflix.

Adventure on the countertop on the big screen

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves Run after the adventure party Edwin Bard (Chris Pine), Barbarian Holgie (Michel Rodriguez), Simon Charadel (Smith), Doric The Druid (Sophia Lillis), and created the thief (Hugh Grant) was obviously malicious. Evin and Holg again together, go into a real dungeon complete with the dragon and remove the fantastic theft.

The movie has everything that fans of the game wanted to see on the big screen for decades, including “Aarocrac Dungeons and dragons Saturday morning cartoon. The actual spell game spells are used, and the real mechanics were played out, and all this helped to make “raping” to feel like someone’s home company. Even for those who do not play on the countertop, the comedy beats all the blows and make it a fun fantastic adventure.

Fuel Tale of Corporate greed

Those who saw the movie in theaters, it was a hit, with an incredible 91 percent fresh Rotten tomatoes With more than 300 critics and 92 percent of more than 2000 public reviews. Yet Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves Insufficient, barely squealing with $ 200 million worldwide, and it’s not a movie’s fault. The coast magicians chose the wrong time to feel the main audience with the business movement so thoughtlessly stupid that a few weeks was canceled.

At the beginning of 2023, a few weeks earlier Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves Hit theaters, Copy of Wizards of the Coast’s Opled Open Game, which allowed players to monetize the game for themselves, and the above -mentioned real game industry to take off by raising the game to new heights, would change to get the magicians 25 percent earning over $ 750,000. It was not the worst thing, it was a ban on all online trainers on the countertop and required ownership of all that was created by fans that affected Firestorm, and the boycott that led the company that was so effective that it secured the film in the process.

Standing on your own

Dungeons and Dragons are honored among the thieves

Removed from the drama early 2023, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves Now you can stand on your own, and thanks to the Netflix subscriber, more people than if you earlier, it will be given the opportunity to transfer it. Although the hopes of the continuation were canceled while it is shot trickle. Horrible bosses 2) Get another chance to revive the game. Before this fans can at least enjoy the funniest fantastic movie Monti python and holy grail And feel the taste of playing the most popular role -top game in the world.

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor among the thieves now flows Netflix.


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