Star Wars didn’t need an order 66 to kill all the Jedi

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By Chris Snowlings
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In Revenge SithaWe saw the palpatina’s cunning 66 forced clone paratroopers across the galaxy to kill as much Jedi as possible, and Dart Vader cited the murder of the survivor. Of this Vader and Palpatin are usually considered the only reason that these iconic patrons of the world were If -no He hunted and killed. However, the speed at which the senators of the republic throw support for their appointed emperor, reveal something strange: the Order 66 was probably unnecessary because the Jedi secretly hated So much around the galaxy.

Order 66 and Jedi

It is clear that the fans associate the order of 66 and the Gedaev genocide together because of the installation of the scenes in which we see that the clones betray and kill their higher officers. However, in order to understand your theory, you need to focus instead of a scene in which Palpatin sets himself as an emperor into a cheerful crowd of elected officials. Padme perfectly points out that “this is how freedom dies … with funeral applause.”

This is perhaps the best prequel line, but most fans never considered that this scene revealed about the Galaxy Senate and most of its members. Palpatin did not need to think individually that all these people supported their fascist agenda … Instead, they went with it willingly. And when the new emperor described the betrayal and mutilation of these space magicians, most of the collected senators do not even flash.

So, keep in mind: if Palpatin never issued an order 66, did the Jedi really lasted much longer? It seems that moods against them are growing very long. Long enough to cancel the goodwill they counted after 25,000 years Keep this galaxy far away, far away. In fact, it seems that all these individual planets have started to kill the Jedi for too long, and although the process would take longer, the end result is no different from palpatine and the Imperial Veider cleaning.


Plus, if you doubt that the senators could do as good work as the order 66 of the Jedi murder, let’s look at this: as in any other representative republic, these elected officials are appointed to submit the will of their collective people. Thus, every senator who goes with the history of Palpatina about the Jedi betrayal and the next need for cleaning is effective, which represents all its planet. And if there were which Many all planets in the galaxy seizure for the Jedi blood, we can conclude that the days of these mystics were well and are truly numbered.

Obviously, this theory is not intended to reduce the value of the order 66. If it were not for the Palpatina team, the countless Jedi across the galaxy will still remain alive. However, it should be remembered how the usual senator seemed to hate these users and advocated their planets, announcing the obvious support for the Jedi genocide. Considering this, it should be concluded that Palpatin simply accelerated this process, and it was only a matter of time when the Galaxy residents hunted and killed the Jedi at will.


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