South Korean thriller crime that takes the main graphics of Netflix

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Netflix and South Korean thrillers are a great mix. Stromer is so at the country’s fare that it cannot help but Speast “Game Squid” 3 Season In its advertising images, although the crown value of choosing the Halyuwood Platform is not the only South Korean project that loves love from its subscribers.

According to FlixpatrolDirector’s criminal film Kim Song-George “Bogotá: City of the Lost” recently rose on the list 10 in Netflix in many countries, even reaching a prestigious first place in some areas. The film focused on the young sound (Joon-Ki), which fights a new life after the circumstances make his family move to Colombia. The good news is that it soon settles with the local Korean community. Bad news? It turns out that the people in question are smugglers.

The first steps of the sound in shady operations controlled by the sergeant park (KWO HAE-HYO) will soon turn into greater power, and the story unfolding. The final result is a tempting cocktail, and it is not surprising that Netflix viewers have accepted a movie with open hands.

Netflix is ​​saturated with South Korean nails

Netflix has long succeeded in recognition of the quality of South Korean movies and TV shows as well as the aforementioned International Success “Game with Squid” It’s just a cherry on top of a carefully layered pie, which has been building a streaming service for several years. His proposals are far from what can be expected and an inexperienced viewer. On the contrary, the Netflix’s greatest hits on the South Korean Front include “SnowPierce” and “Parasis” directed by Bong John-Ho-Ho-Ho-Ho-Anticopitalist Fantastic movie “Okja”. Elsewhere, at the front of the series, the more interesting platform of the K-dramatic platform includes two performances with the horror flakes from the director “Train to Pusan”; a A truly wild series of alien invading “Parasyte Grey” and the demonic death (and the afterlife) Tharey Thriller “Hellbound”.

Array of korean originals Netflix This is the fact that the audience seems to have learned to trust the stretch when it comes to South Korean films and movies. “Bogotá: City of the Lost” seems to be the last example of the company’s success on this front, and there is every reason to believe that this is not the last South Korean movie that we will see in the charts.

“Bogotá: City of the Lost” is currently broadcast on Netflix.


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