Small Business Administration nominee Kelly Loeffler says small biz is in her DNA

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Former US Senator Kelly Louperer Georgia, President Donald TrumpOn Wednesday, the selection of small business management (SBA) is planning to go to the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee when he plans to talk about Trump’s vision for the country as well as he qualifies him for work.

In the example of his written speech, Lowuller speaks to the Illinois family farm as a four generation, adding that “small businesses” is his “DNA”.

“My wonderful parents, Don and Linda did not have a degree, but they had faith and gravel,” he wrote. “They ruthlessly worked to maintain our farm and small cargo company, taking risks to the unstable commodity markets and to resist difficult conditions.

“It’s there when my children’s work ethics was involved, worked in our soy fields and waiting for tables at local restaurants. I’m going to start myself and a lifetime of developing business, “he continued. “I became the final college in my family first and later earned MBA.”

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Former US Senator, Kelly Lozhler, R-GA, is the president Donald Trump candidate for a small business management manager? (Anna MoneyMaker / Getty Images / Getty Images)

After college, Loeffler helped launched Fortune 500, and for 10 years, he united the WNBA’s Atlanta dream. He also wrote that he has launched a financial technology company, Baked as the Founding General Director and First Employee.

“I remember the management of Excel Tables, hiring my first member of my team and working with the regulators as far as I remember two of those companies.

Later, in his statement, Luzler talks about how to disrupt his decades of business experience to champion America’s entrepreneurs.

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Former US Senator Kelly Louperer Campaign in Milton in 2022. (JESSICA MCGOWAN / GETTY Images / Getty Images)

“We will cut the red ribbon and modernize the agency, restoring accountability and transparency that taxpayers deserve,” he said. “I will break fraud, a policy of zero tolerance, while the concentration of SBA comes out of Washington to all the main streets of America. And if confirmed, efficiency and results – We will be responsible and urgently to meet the challenge of disaster. I must serve all those who affect North Carolina to California.

“Each taxpayer on SBA must have an economic multiplayer effect on the development of producing capital to strengthen the production, rural communities and developing critical technology such as AI and chips.” “I believe that we must continue to strengthen entrepreneurs from all areas of life, including women and veterans.”

Loopler is a part of the team that Trump collects a goal to “first” to “American”.

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President Donald Trump arrives with Senator Kelly Louperer, R-GA at the pre-election rally in 2021. (Alex Wong / Getty Images / Getty Images)

He wrote about the strengthening of SBA’s small business and the growing founding mission of the economy.

“This is exactly what America’s first agenda is doing, completing the inflation by cutting taxes, unleashing American energy, waste, waste and violence. “In the last four years, small business has lost its land, overloaded with inflation, great government regulations and uncertainty, which threatens the existence of the main street. President Trump’s proven agenda will restore America “- prosperity and growth in the Golden Age.”

Loyzhl and her husband Jeff have long been major donors to republican causes and candidates, including Trump. Loopler served as Trump Co-Chair A colleague commission.

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If confirmed by the SenateLowulla says she will present her annual federal fee for about $ 20,7,500 for charity.

Loeffler’s collateral, whose net value is estimated at about $ 1 billion, followed by its actions in Congress from 2019 to 2021, when she donated $ 174,000 salary to more than 40. Georgia Charities: and non-commercial organizations.

Fox News Digital Paul Steinuser contributed to this report.


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