Silent earthquakes put Santorin’s empty and residents

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February is a slow time on the island of Greek Santorini, who drew more than three million visitors per year.

However, after another week of nearby earthquakes, the island took something unusual. Frequent frequent, at least 13,000 residents of at least 13,500 residents in the last week. The streets are mainly excluding tourists, excluding the majority of Asia.

Thousands of pushers, sometimes every few minutes, Santorini, 250 miles southeast of 250 miles, and near January 25, the nearest Islands were vibrated by the vibrating-5.2 earthquake in the northeastern northeast of Santorini. Sunday night was felt a small warehouse in Athens. The majority of the speed of the speed was relatively small, but in the first nine days of February, there are 160 pushers in the past year, and this power has been 160, compared to the Vassylis Karastati of the Institute of Geodymic, said on Monday, compared to the Vassylis carastate.

The outlook for Santorini, one of the most popular islands of Greece, is unknown. Experts said he had a valid forecast what would happen next to the vibration, which would be possible.

“There are signs of stabilization, but the frequency of the frequency of earthquakes should be seen in the frequency,” Mr. Karastathis added that earthquakes could last for weeks. “Many seismic energy were released, but we still cannot rule out a large earthquake.”

The vibration, the authorities wanted to close large-scale closed meetings. Emergency workers are placed on the island and the landing craft is in standby mode for possible evacuation. Some areas of Santorini were closed due to landslide fears and sand bags were established next to the seaside houses. Psychologists from the Red Cross of Greece have appealed to the residents and prayers prayed for earthquakes for the parking lot.

After an emergency situation last Thursday, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitototakis, all possible actions, he said. “We are preparing for the worst in hoping for the best,” he called on the residents to calm down during his visit to Island on Friday.

Many chose not to risk.

37, 37 fireworks for weddings on Santorini, returned home with his wife and three young children and three young children last Monday. “It was a constant vibration, and we were worried about the children,” Mr. Calamatas, 37, hoping to return to the next weekend, added. “We should live with it.”

Others said there was no choice other than staying. A 52-year-old makeup artist Renia Bleduki, who was mainly American, English or Australian brides, sent two teenage children to live in a relative house last week. The elderly stayed behind to look at his aunt and uncle.

For a few days, he hugged his husband and her husband for the blanket because they slept in their cars. “We were in a car, and my aunt and uncle, and in the other, Ms Bledaki said the car was bounced during the bigger boots.

Scientists said they said that the line of fault caused by the current earthquakes was exposed to the death of 53 people in 1956 and exposed to 53 people.

The main question, the current boosts, “a seismic dang”, said that there is a part of a shaking sequence or 6 of a larger honeymoon without a different major earthquake.

The Scientific Committee said that last week there were no seismic activity in the area, and the eruption was fired. On Monday, scientists received underwater seismic monitors and hoped to collect more clues and set up new ones.

The endless questions for Mrs. Bleki are the biggest headache. “Will we have a 6-level earthquake? Will our homes be able to end this?” He asked, touched an underwater volcano. “It’s like a science fiction movie.”

Most of the rest in Santorini are working in hotels, although most of them are closed. After the annual repair work, construction and repair work during the earthquake. “A worker was afraid and left and others are not sure of your return in April,” said Antonis Iliopoulos, who owned three hotels on the island. He has not yet received cancellations for summer bookings and said the earthquakes did not see “more nervously from danger.”

The country’s Environmental Organization has suspended the construction of Santorini in Calderini, the rim of an ancient volcano, which is unique to the island of November a year. The ministry asked to conduct risk assessments from the excessive concern and hotel operators. Earthquakes revived the questions about the stability of many structures there.

Hotels on the cliff of Fire and OIA, which are tourists, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou, Dimitrios Papanikolaou.

“In these areas, a stronger earthquake can lead to the divisions of buildings such as the balcony and pool,” he said.

Authorities discussed the same risks in the Earthquake Ocard in 2011, Mr. Papanikolaou added. “They talked to make buildings safer, but nothing happened,” he said. “Now they are talking about this again, but when earthquakes stopped, we will probably forget about it until it happened in 10, 20, 30 years.”


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