Shivraj Singh Chouhan calls out Air India over broken seat: ‘I thought Tata takeover would improve service…’
On Saturday, the Minister of Agriculture Shivault Singh Chuan called on the air to India, the “broken” seat for Delhi flight from Bhopal. According to a strong writing in X, Chuan described the residence as “shattered and inconvenient” and interrogated why the passengers were sold to incomplete seats.
“I have written a ticket on the flight of Air India AI436 and is allocated to 8C. When I sat down, I sank, it was awkward, “he wrote, adding that companions left him a better place.
Chuan insisted that when he faced the airline’s employees, they admitted that the management had already been informed about the wrong place and it was advisable to sell tickets for it. “Not only one, but there are many such places,” he said, he interrogated whether Air India planned to fix these problems. “
His speech also slipped in the Indian team, expressing a disappointment with a merger with the airline’s service. “I thought the Air India service would improve after Tata assumes, but it seems that I have mistaken,” he said.
Calling it “unethical” to charge the full fare for the sinner, he asked them directly. “Isn’t this man cheating?”
In response, Air India has apologized, declaring that “looking closely at work to prevent further cases.” The airline also asked Chuhi to support the issue to further discuss the issue.