Shamesty Ratery Ratery TRALERER on Max must see from the director’s master
By Jonathan Chat
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David Lynch died on January 15, 2025, leaving behind the inheritance of movie and television work, which helped to reconsider what fun it might be, and pushed the envelope to the very edge of the hormo. Fans for years discuss which of its movies is the best, but two are usually at the top of the lists of all: Mulholland Drive and one of its earlier movies that ultimately set the tone for the rest of his iconic career . Released in 1986, Blue velvet considered the American Institute of Cinema to be one of the greatest headlinesy movies of all times and peoples; This is incomprehensible and amazing, includes a sudden leap into a music interlude and laid the foundation for Twin peaks.
Suburban nightmare

Blue velvet It starts with a strange note from the entrance protocols when Jeffrey Bonto, College Student, College Student Returned Home to help care about his sick dad, finding a cut off human ear. Jeffrey finds that the ear is poorly linked to Dorothy Wallence, a local jazz singer, so he eventually talks out of his place after the performance, which led to the exchange between Maclacan and Isabella as Dorothy, which is one of the most awkward conversations, Talks if -did not go on the camera.
It before Blue velvet Suitable for a wild turn when the local boss frank (played Dennis Hopper in a speech that changes his career) comes on a wild night with Dorothy, which includes a gas mask and calls her “mom”, which Jeffery watches out of the closet that watches .
All this for the first thirty minutes Blue velvet, And the movie from there becomes even more unfamiliar, revealing the criminal conspiracy hiding under the surface of the small town of Lamberton. It is clear to get there, Jeffrey must spend time with Frank Sandman “, with heroes who dance only as David Lynch It would be to do them. This is a pretty ordinary story, but with a lincha strokes from above it is able to take a fairy tale about the suburban position and turn it into dreams, which constantly knocks the viewers out of balance, undermining all the expectations they go.
Blue velvet changed cinema

After a catastrophic failure DuneScientific-fiction epic David Lynch He returned before he started with Eraserhead, a bizarre low -budget movie, which, again, lost the strange moments of the canceled head that floats on space, or the radiator that sings golden old ones and about relationships. Blue velvet Includes what will later be considered trademarks of Lynch (single characters stealing shows, dreams similar to stories, prolonged shots that did not cut off, among many others) and passing through an independent studio run by the legendary B-film production Lorentia, he did not need to threaten his vision. Critics responded at the time, sharing, those who died on the hill, that it was a sabotage, innovative movie, and those who thought it was intricate, sad and made no sense.
Today, Blue velvet Properly recognized as an attraction of American cinema. Only then Rotten tomatoes From today’s critics, but it was even studied in written and motion pictures as an example of the strength of the story. This is a complex movie for viewing that will linger and stay with you for years, but it is also one of the biggest achievements in the field of class and helped to return the career of David Lynch, a person whose name is synonymous with complex ones that cause thoughts that cause thoughts that cause thoughts And one of Hollywood’s greatest creative minds.
Blue velvet flow further Maximum.