Serena Williams responds to 2025 Super Bowl Show with Loot

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Serena Williams says she has no time on little things after 2025. Luft

Serena Williams performs during the Apple Music Super Bowl LiX exhibition at Caesars SuperDome on February 9, 2025 in Louisiana’s New Orleans. Kevin Mazur/Getti Images for Roc Nation

Serena Williams not subject to chatter about her surprise Super Bowl Lix Exhibition in the break.

“God, I was so late for the game (I was ill) and busy with a billion dollars and managed @wynbeauty … Def not dance to be a small hahar,” 43, Williams, wrote through X on Monday, February 17. All love and respect is always nothing negative here. “

The post on the social media of William came in response to the post that was shared by the husband, Alexis AganyanEarlier this month.

“Some of you do not represent how much Serena is criticized for the same dance in Wimbledon 13 years ago and it shows it,” he wrote on February 10. “This is more than music.”

Serena Williams and Alexis Achaan Tales Roman A term 716

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Alexis Okhanyan protects Serena Williams’s wife from critics who slammed her surprise at Kendrick Lamar’s Super Cup show. The 41st Ovanyan accepted to X on Monday, February 10, to share the invasion of the article quoted by the Media -Pundit Jason Wittlak, who broke Williams, 43 years old, for dancing on the biggest scene and said that “deserved (. ..)

On Monday, Williams praised his “child, dad and husband” for his protection Her walks.

“She always returned to her back,” she shared in social media. “I love you.”

The message of Williams X appears Drive. (Kendrick Lamar‘S’ not like us’ has been released Among his public hostility with a drone and Includes a link to the string Williams.)

Williams responded to her dance in a separate message on the social media after the performance ended.

“Man, I didn’t go the way in Wimbledon. Oh, I would be fined!” She said. “All this was love.” She closed the video: “The Super Bowl at Babyyyyyyyy.

Williams made headlines-and Drey widespread in 2012 when she noted the tinted walk after winning the Gold Slam title. The reaction to her dance crossings then resembles a critic that Williams has been receiving since late.

Serena Williams died a little while speaking at 2025 Super Bowl 131

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Serena Williams shocked the audience when she was surprised at the Super Bowl exhibition with Kendrick Lamar. “Let’s go to the Super Bowl semifinals ??! I died a little! “Williams, 43, wrote through X on Sunday, February 9, along with a video about her dance during the swing of her performance, which included a blue plea (…)

ESPN’S Stephen A. SmithFor example, there was a lot of thoughts about Williams’ surprise.

“When I am married and my wife is going to join my ex, go back to your ass,” said the 57-year-old presenter on February 10. “Because you obviously don’t belong to me. What are you worried about him and you are goodbye. Goodbye.”

Smith doubled on the comments, Saying fans that “not so serious” in a social media report the day.

“Please go back and look at what I said,” he wrote through X. 11 on February 11. I didn’t utter a single disrespectful word about Serena. There are no problems with people who are upset by literal things, angry. It’s not qualified. “


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