See this unpredictable sci-fi series instead of the Netflix electric condition

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“Electric Status” Netflix is ​​not good. In most indicators, this is a complete catastrophe – the film is so expensive and so devoid of the goal that it is frankly, it is not logic. This is especially true when you read the book she founded by the Swedish writer and artist Simon Stelehag.

Stelehag’s books in each center on various sci-fi ideas, but the format usually remains the same. They are great books filled with the wonderful digital art of the worlds, very similar to our own, but also different. These images are accompanied by in one way or another, talking about a linear history or at least adding context to the scenes. Where the “electric state” shows the American landscape, devastated by unmanned war and dependence on VR, “Tales from the Loop” and “Flood Things”, two previous books of Stelehag, follow the Swedish city and mysterious research institution, as well as various robotic creatures. The topic changes, but the tone and style remain the same in the books.

In the vacuum, “Electric Status” is badBut it’s even worse than adaptation. Stelehag’s work is melancholy, isolation and welcome beautiful, with tons of interesting ideas related to his exciting art. “Electric Status” is a movie in which Stanley Tucci makes a robot genocide so that his dead mother can give him canals.

Fortunately, there is an alternative. Back in 2020, Prime Video adapted the first book by Stelehag’s “Tales from the Lose”, in the 8-episodic series. This is fantastic and depressing is not noticed, so in the interest to avoid as many people as possible, sparing to spend two hours in “electrical state” Netflix, I strongly recommend that you check this show.

Tales from the loop – this is an incredible show that should watch more people

The series “Tales of the Cycle” Prime Video has received little publicity after being released, despite great reviews from critics. This came out at a time when the company seemed more interested in filling the main video shelves with original content than in fact marketing this content for the public. Perhaps as a result (and maybe only because it worked better), the show got only one season. But this is as good as then, and this is a much better reflection of Stelehag’s work than the “electrical state” of Netflix.

“Tales from the Loop” quite conscientiously adapts the book, but it moves a small Swedish city from Stelehag’s version to American mid -west. The mysterious government scientific object called “Laissings” works in most adult cities, but technology within the residents that can happen with amazing things. The girl finds herself inappropriate in time. Two friends enter the strange pod that changes their body. A teenage couple finds a way to stop time in the city around them.

Each episode tells another story by following the models SCI-FI-Antiological series like “Twilight” Or “black mirror”. At the same time, the characters are repeated throughout, blocking different episodes and creating continuity between different stories. Schovruner Nathaniel Halpern attracted inspiration from a cycle of short history of Shervud Anderson in 1919 “Vinesburg, Ohio”, which is similarly focused on the lonely emotional life of the town’s characters. The show actors include actors such as Rebecca Hall, Jonathan Price, Jane Alexander and Paul Schneider, all of them turn into excellent performances. But this is the main tone and production design that really distinguishes “Tales from the Lose”.

Tales from the loop will succeed where the electric condition does not work

One of the two things happened during the “electric state” production. Either Russia and their creative team fundamentally understood the whole meaning of the book (which requires an incredible degree of ignorance), or they decided to turn it from a thematically rich, aesthetic science-fiction story into the film “spy children” in the amount of $ 320 million. In addition to a few pictures and designs, there is nothing in the movie that wear any tone of the book.

“Tales from the loop”, on the other hand, is a fantastic translation of the unique aesthetics. Mixing advanced sci-fi machines with empty pastoral landscapes, emphasis on silence and negative space, mysteries, everything there. The music of the composers Philip Glassa and Paul Leonard Morgana is particularly memorable, full of gloomy piano and string ballads, which emphasize wonderful cinematography. “Tales from the Loop” is a show where you can go for minutes without talking, but audiovisual experience is always delicately developed and deeply emotional. This is not surprising – not surprisingly, given the production team, which included the Matt Reeves and the Board of Directors involved by Jodi Foster and Pixar Alum Andrew Stanton.

In other words, it will enter the same ideas that made the book so convincing in the first place. It is a shame just that the “electric state” did not even try.


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