Section 31 redeems Cherons from the original series

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This post contains spoilers For “Star Way: Section 31”.

There is a tendency among television and filmmakers- or, in fact, consumers of any type of pop culture- to give up the images of the past, defining them as “its time” or as “impossible to do today”. This is one of the most insidious habits we have as viewers, and it is usually absolutely wrong. Marginalized people are fighting for the exact display on the screen all the time of visual media. Sitk 70’s “all in the family” led by fanatics considered network poison Before he became a hit, the Lesbian readers were already Tired of the sad gay love stories of the 50’sand the famous racist movie Disney “Song South” caused disputes Even before the exit in 1946.

It is easy to fall into the trap, assuming that the default history was somehow more than one -dimensional, hated or otherwise than today, and this trap can make us pay tribute where it does not belong. Example: When I was a teenager, I thought the episode of the 3rd season “Star Way: Original TV Series” “be it your last battlefield”, which is related to the new movie “Star Way” “section 3” in an unexpected way (about it later), was a really well Metaphor of racism. Of course, his visual representation of the social structures of the race – people with half -free, half black faces who fight against people with almost indistinguishable black, half white faces – was a little rigid, but I found the central role of Gina Rhodenbury, about the power of fanaticism, to destroy society, Important. Of course, it was when he came out for the first time, right?

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield – A disappointing racial allegory

Not quite. The original “Star Way” series was endlessly innovative in almost all respects, including in the reflection of racial diversity. It was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. convinced Nichal Nichols not throwing shows between the seasons, after all. But despite my erroneous enlightenment in the eighth grade that this outrageous episode can change the hearts and minds, some always considered “Let that be your laast battlefield” obvious and too simplistic – if not quite offensive. After all, it came out in 1969, when Black Americans have been heading the civil rights movement for many years. Until the moment of America, it did not need a checkered face paint to know what was wrong with her. The episode also relies on a few false equivalent that serves for talking “on both sides” around racism, with more holy than you are obviously free from the fanatic crew of Enterprise, which considers Lokai’s liberator (Lou Antonio). The eternal oppressor Belle (Frank Harshin).

The episode, rightly say, ideological porridge. Wrote in his book prose writer J. Neil Shulman “Silver Profile” that Harlan Alison, who wrote one of the the best episodes of the “star path” of all times“Hot this episode.” In John Talaq and Henry Jenkins’ book “Audience of Science Fiction”, The authors list “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” as one of the few Tos episodes that are “often considered one of the worst points in the series” representing the “most common elements” of the franchise and “reflect its ideology.” In the most rude form. ” Two -color makeup central heroes is equal Compared with Blackface. The racial allegory in the center of the episode was so clumsy and imperfect that the central appearance of the episode, Cheron, was never seen on the screen after 1969.

So far.

In Star Trek: SECTION 31 Auxiliary Character Coron

Let’s immediately say right away: the new movie “Star Way: Section 3”, the first feature film “Star Way” Paramount+, does not “decide racism” and does not try to do it. Splashes, stupid, fast -paced capers draw as much inspiration in Guy Richie’s films, “Eleven Oshen” and DC comics, as well as in the optimistic, optimistic series of Rhodenberri. There is no big metaphor or a wider picture here. However, it includes the first character of Cheron, whom fans have been seen for more than 50 years (except for the background “Migni and miss” in the “Star Way: Lower Deck”). Their name is Virgil, and they are obviously a diva.

Vergille is just at the time when the audience begins to understand that “Section 3” is a lot more camp than they expected, and that it possesses a sense of humor, brightness and discharge, which will appeal to the avid fans “hike” (perhaps, more likely) hate. The character appears in the scene at the beginning of the movie when we see what the vicious Filip Georgiu in the “mirror universe” “Star: Opening” for many years after the film’s prologue was shown that she was killing her seven ‘Yu and cripples your true love. Actor August Biter, whose past works include the film “White Daddy”, the horror series “Ezra” and the short film “Chich” play Virgil.

In this film, we will not know anything about Virgil, but for some reason they can make a strong impression. Their post is never revealed, but it is obvious that they work as a hostess of a bar-slash hand-handed for Philip, whose makeup and costumes show that we now have to see a stylish villain in it, not a tyrannical ruler. We immediately catch Virgil as a strange Lake – they laugh when they report that the bride was “fading just when everything came to the climax for a wedding journey – but also as a competent ally Philip with the smell.

This species deserves it to get rid of its dirty metaphor

Virgil is decorated with brilliance and precious stones, but they are still clearly Harone, a fact that has never been affected – and perhaps this is not a big problem at this time and in this part of the galaxy. This is a refreshing contrast with the original episode of the series, in which Dr. McCa from Deforesta Kelly proclaims Cronon’s unexplained mutation and very revealing that if he had their biological abilities, he would be one of the most powerful copies. Of course, it is meant that the Cherons can never realize all their potential as the white male person could because of their physical differences at the surface level.

Despite the fact that the character’s presence in the scheme of things is relatively insignificant, it is nice to see a native of Cheron in “Section 3”, released from the restrictions of rather binary and basic metaphor of half a century. Instead, Virgil given gift to be fair some manLiving a better life in a neglected bar and it seems perfectly spending time. The Paramount+ era “Trek” was not ideal, but it did a rather excellent work on rehabilitation of some species presented in the previous Star Way shows that received the smaller end of the regiment during their first contact missions. Cherons were one of the most shallow; Despite their poetic-tragic ending of “Tos”, the audience speaks very little-except for their hatred of those who do not correspond to their appearance.

We now know that long -forgotten species consist not only of their conflicts, and perhaps this extra layer offers a little redemption for the shaky original episode of the series. After all, if they can be funny partner with a distorted sense of humor, then the charons can be anything. Only, you know, not if they are all doomed to kill each other for the sake of pain of a neat lesson.

“Star Way: Section 3” is now broadcast on Paramount+.


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