Scientific-fiction Sitki 80s, which returned Castaeis to Hylovan Island
In the “episode” alpha “somewhere over the repetition, also in turn is called the” Ballad of Hylyloan Island “(September 28, 1987), a fluffy alpha alpha (voiced by Paul Fusc), becoming a frantic viewing of the” Island of Hylile “on TV. Alpha dreams of life with Shervud Schwartz’s sycams, feeling that they are perfectly ridiculous and live in tropical paradise. What could be better? He begins to dress in Hawaiian shirts and ordering bamboo furniture, hoping to turn usually unpretentious household into something more interesting. (Part of the prerequisites of the show is that the alpha must live hidden in the suburban house of Tanner, kept a secret from the world, so that the existence of aliens threw the earth into panic.)
Alpha’s obsession with the “Island of Hyliles” leads him to the yard of the tannery, where he begins to dig the whole grass, hoping to create a tropical lagoon, as in his favorite show. It causes Willy (Max Wright) to become angry, and it requires the alpha to fill all the dirt he dug. While filling the yard, the alpha falls asleep and begins to dream. Naturally, he dreams that he lives in the “Hylile Island”. However, in the turn, he is not on the “Island of Hylile”, as it appeared in the 1960s, but what it might look like in 1987, today Alpha.
For the sequence of the dream, the creators of “Alfa” hired the original “Iceilo Island” of the Wells Dawn Stars, Russell Johnson, Alan Hayla -Jalo and Bob Denver to repress their roles. They also reconstructed the new version of the original Jilizan Island, and the alpha must have several scenes that interact with the heroes, joking and studying everything about how their lives were 20 years later.
Members of the “Jilizan Island” would be third to the last “Baywatch” in 1992 and on “Roseanne” in 1995. The “Roseanne” episode is also not taken into account, as the survivors of the “Johilian Island” acting (Wells, Johnson and Denver) appeared on the same stage “Rosana”. Only Denver and Wells participated in Baywatch.
Castles of the Island of Hyligan appeared on the Alpha … as older, unhappy versions
Tina Louise, the actress who played in Dzindzer, did not return to Alfa when she is known to refuse to participate in most subsequent projects “Jilizan Island” (despite the fact that “Roseanne”). Jim Rakus and Natalie Shafer, who played Howels, also did not appear in Sitkam 1987, because the bar fought with Parkinson’s disease for several years, several years, and the grooms that already 87 slowed her acting result.
Alfa took place in “Alfa”. The characters of the “Hylile Island” were not only older, but also in one island for more than two decades. Their Teedia and isolation made them hate their lives. Indeed, among them a split was formed when Howels and ginger moved to the other side of the island in protest (hence they were missing). Castaeu, “Alpha” to study, hate a coconut pie, hates its diet with all the fruits and complain about the prevailing work needed to stay alive. Giligan, Skiper, Mary Anne, and the professor for the shoots, and blame the hyban, which is very tired to absorb them. He even hates when he is called a “little buddy”, because Castaways now all in the 40th and 50s.
Alfa tries to ease the mood by demanding its ancient sits-shonigans as he used to see in repetitions. Castaways explains that their lives are not a sitcom, and that when the alpha witnessed any jokey saints, they lasted only 30 minutes. For the most part, their lives have always been sad on the island of Hylovan. “Alfa” served as a metonal commentary on one of the most prompt re -sitters in the history of the environment.
Alfa deconstrui the island of hybigan as a tragedy
After all, Alpha is engaged in Castaways – just as in the waking world – very strong work. He was ordered to grab a shovel and fill the lagoon, because the castes would like the space to play a miniature golf. Alfa is beginning to realize that Sisyphus affairs have always been the reality of the “Island Island” and that suffering in life.
This concept is designed home when in meta -turn, Castaways are going to watch TV. The professor was able to build one of the television tube that washed ashore over the years before, which allowed them to catch their favorite sitters. Their favorite show, Alf Lerses, is a show about The Tanners, Family Alf. In fact, there are no adventures in the tanner, but the Castaes love to see the love and comfort of their everyday life. They openly comment on the food of quality dishes, the intake of warm showers and the presence of a wider wardrobe.
Alpha woke up, learning his lesson. Television fantasies are believed not to lose yourself inside. The love for the Tanner’s family should be enough. “Hylile Island”, if it were true, would be sad and tortuous.
Alfa writers both gave honoring the “Hylyloan Island” from “over repetition” and thwarted it a little. Shervud Schwartz would most likely not like the cynicism “Alpha” “Hylisan Island” had to represent at least one -level idealized democracy Where people from all classes get along and survive. In the drawing of the Castaveli, as they divided into individual groups and complaining about the horror of their life, the ideals of the “Isle of Hylile” were cut.
But then everything was just a dream, so it could be argued that any cynicism that the alpha itself was invented.