Saunas and cold streams: Benefits for sleep and health risks

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Getting a good night’s sleep can have a big impact on how we feel during the day, which is why so many people are willing to do and Pay whatever is needed For quality sleep. Although cold streams and saunas have long been used for wellness, they have recently gained even more popularity – especially since some swear in them because of their sleep benefits.

If you are interested in trying saunas and/or Cold For yourself, this is what you need to know about their health benefits and risks that you need to be aware.

Are sleep saunas good?


Although saunas and sleep have a long history, it is essential to verify science and see what is happening here. According to a Meta-analysis of a sauna studyThe weather in the sauna is associated with improved sleep, among other reported benefits. Similarly, a global study found that respondents were likely to use saunas For sleep and improved mental healthS In fact, 83.5% of the respondents said they had experienced the benefits of sauna before bedtime.

People generally seem to experience saunas as a help in sleep, but the exact mechanics of how this work may need further research. Being warm and calm can help on its own, but the extreme conditions of saunas can handle more than just warm their muscles. Annie MillerA licensed psychotherapist and sleep expert told CNET: “The circadian rhythm of your body or your body clock reduces your basic body temperature, starting about 2 hours before going to bed to help you prepare for sleep.” High sauna temperatures can be too extreme for some and can prevent the body from lowering its temperature before bed. However, some Sauni supporters believe that regular use of these rooms can help enhance the production of melatonin in individuals, although more studies may be needed.

4 possible benefits of saunas for sleep


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This ancient health technique can help with quality sleep in several ways. Some people believe that saunas increase the production of melatonin, a hormone that causes drowsiness and can help people fall asleep and fall asleep. The heart and vascular system are also started through a workout when you spend time in the sauna, and then return to the speed of rest can help to cause comfortable fatigue. A group of researchers discovered that saunas can deeply stress For those who work in professions with high stress, emphasizing the capacity of the sauna to encourage a peaceful state with low stress in humans.

  • Can encourage the production of melatonin: Melatonin is a hormone that helps to fall and observe asleep. More studies are needed to bind the production of melatonin and saunas.
  • Relaxes the muscles: Muscles relaxed are essential to allow the body to rest and prepare for sleep.
  • Exercise the vascular system: Returning to a normal rest after raising a person can help people become sleepy and fall asleep. Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system also promotes relaxation.
  • Reduces physical and mental stress: Falling and maintaining falling asleep is usually much easier for more physical and mental stress. Saunas also provide space away from distraction, stress and devices that can help with sleep.

Are the cold ones good for sleeping?

A man in a cold sinking out into the snow.

Half Point Images/Getty Images

Well -documented research emphasizes the connections between body temperature or thermostatAnd the ease of falling asleep, getting more and more cold to the evening associated with increased drowsiness. Although this study does not specifically focus on cold streams, it identifies the main relationship on which ice baths can depend to promote quality sleep. Stanford researchers have found that the dipping of cold water can Reduce cortisol levelsA hormone strongly associated with stress. High levels of cortisol are traditionally seen as a sleep barrier, so reducing these levels and reducing stress can make sleep easier. Between the decreased body temperature and the reduced cortisol levels, the safely used cold streams seem likely to help people fall asleep.

4 possible advantages of cold sleep streams

Cold And sleep can be tied together in a handful of useful ways. As noted earlier, immersion in cold water can lower body temperature, promoting a sleepy state of being. In the same way, cold floods can reduce cortisol levels, which can help place the body in a more relaxed, predisposed to sleep condition. Researchers at Oregon University It has found that the benefits of cold therapy can potentially help sleep and include reduced heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol.

“Taking cold dipping too close to bed can actually interfere with sleep because of the initial response” Battle or Flight “caused by the cold,” Miller added. “Cold immersion time matters and early in the day may be a more effective time.” But don’t expect results immediately. Most likely it will happen over time.

  • Reduced Cortisol levels: The lower cortisol is associated with lower levels of stress, which can help you get closer to a dream state.
  • Reduced heart rate: Lower heart rate is associated with a more relaxed condition, closer to falling asleep, while higher heart frequencies are related to being worse and vigilant.
  • Reduced blood pressure: Lower blood pressure, such as the heart rate, is associated with a more relaxed condition, closer to sleep.
  • Fever: Body temperature is closely linked to the circadian rhythm, with reduced body temperature appearing near sleep.

The health risks to be considered with saunas and cold streams

A young woman relaxing in a sauna

Anastasiia krivenok/getty images

Although there are several potential health and sleep benefits, there are some health risks that need to be taken into account, and some people should avoid saunas or cold streams. For example, saunas should be be avoided by People who experience complex pregnancy, unstable angina, recent myocardial infarction or severe aortic stenosis. People should avoid cold streams if they have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, poor circulation, Raynaud’s phenomenon, peripheral vascular disease, impaired sensation or pacemaker. Before deciding whether a sauna or cold immersion is right for you, talk to your medical specialist to make sure you are not at risk.

Beyond the conditions that need to encourage a person to avoid these ancient drugs, there are several health risks that you need to be aware of the cold dens and saunas. Cold floods should be carefully regulated as immersion in water less than 60 degrees can be deadly in less than a minute. If you experience chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness or color change, you should immediately remove from cold immersion and consider contacting a medical specialist if the symptoms continue.

SaunaOne of the main risks is Dehydration Or you have arrhythmias if you were drunk before using the sauna. To mitigate these risks, stay well hydrated and avoid using the sauna if you have been drinking alcohol or use other intoxicants.


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