Saturn provides its title as the “moon king” with a major road from new moons

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Saturn simply hardened its title as “Moon King” with an updated composition of 274 satellites touring the gas giant. Record statistics put Saturn ahead of its athletes wearing a Moon

An international team of astronomers made the recent discovery of 128 new moons around Saturn, using the Canada telescope France Hawaii. Saturn regained the title as Moon King last year with the discovery of 62 new moonsCarrying its total size of 145 moons. The main competition of the planet in the solar system Jupiter has only 95 confirmed moons.

The two gas giants are closed in the battle for who has been the most moons in their orbit for years, but it may be safe to say that Saturn has won the landslide competition.

“Based on our forecasts, I don’t think Jupiter will ever catch up,” Edward Ashton, a doctorate at the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Academy, and a leading researcher behind the discovery, said a university in British Colombia statementS

The research team monitors the sky around Saturn with the Canada telescope France Hawaii between 2019 to 2021, combining a multiple telescope to improve signals from astronomical sites. Their study in the sky initially gave 62 moons, as well as many more items that cannot be identified. Astronomers then reviewed the same celestial fields for three months in 2023 to confirm the identity of other sites – that is, to confirm that the objects are moons. This week the International Astronomical Union recognized The discovery of the team.

128 newly discovered moons are considered irregular, which means that they are small fragments of larger moons, which probably fall apart from violent clashes with other Saturnian moons or passing comets, according to researchers. Most of the new moons are close to the Mundilfari subgroup of Saturn’s moons – the likely place of a collision that took place within the last 100 million years within the Saturn system, breaking more bodies in ID’D satellites.

“Our carefully planned perennial campaign has been given by Bonan from new moons that tell us about the evolution of the incorrect natural satellite population of Saturn,” Ashton said.

The team is carried out on the moon, noticing about the foreseeable future, as existing technology may have reached its limit when it comes to discovering new moons around distant planets such as Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. For now, Saturn will stay on his crown as a moon king of the solar system.


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