Rivian’s last update offers a handwriting highway driving

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The Rivian electric vehicle company is implementing new software today. The leading function is an improved highway assist, which controls the management, acceleration and suspension of compatible highways. He relies on an infrared camera in the rearview mirror to ensure that the driver is still paying attention to the road, although their hands do not need to be on the steering wheel. This resource is only deployed to the vehicles of Rivian Gen 2; thehe Blog post He did not turn to whether he would come in life 1.

There is also a new Rivian driving mode with a two -motor range. Rally mode is now available as one of the off -road mode options. When activated, the vehicle will provide increased responses to the steering and gas on a number of terrains. Several dual motor vehicles also receive an option to upgrade performance after purchase, which introduces three new drive modes: rally, sports and soft sand. This performance upgrade is a one -time price of $ 5,000.

Both bit 2 and bit 1 receive other elements of the software update. Side mirror automatic inclination when the car turns, allowing the driver better wheels and curb when parallel parking and tire drilling are part of the package. Rivian also adds an option to change the wheel type in the mobile app settings menu to get more accurate driving scores.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/transportation/evs/rivians-latest-update-fens-hands-free-highway-riving-201926973.html


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