Powerwash Simulator 2 will arrive later this year
Steady flow (sorry) of extensions has helped keep the great Power simulator In Zeitgeist over the last few years, but the developer Futurlab has also been bumping over. You will not have to wait too long for this, like Power Simulator 2 is planned to debut later this year.
Tracking has a fresh campaign regime that rises from where the first game is left, new places to do without killing, improved soap (!) And the option to customize your home base that your friends can visit. Also new is the ability to share the progress of the campaign when playing online with your buds. The best part is that this time there will be a split screen mode with a split two players. It’s always great to have more Couch Co-Oo Games to play.
Extremely relaxing and satisfying Power simulator It was a surprising hit. Futurlab says more than 17 million players have adjusted their nozzles to spray virtual dirt at a wide variety of places.
Power Simulator 2 It is set to hit the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC at the end of 2025 (SIDENOTE: Have you cleaned your system lately?). More details will be disclosed next month.
Eurogamer reports the game is coming Nintendo Switch 2 Moreover, but the Nintendo platforms were not mentioned in the Futurlab press release. The studio told Engadget that "As long as we would like to release Switch 2, there are no current company plans. We have no time a frame or news there." This said Nintendo plans to reveal much more about its new console on April 2, so we may hear about the Switch 2 edition of Power Simulator 2 Then.
In the meantime, there are no plans for VR version this time, Futurlab said EurogamerS Studio completed maintenance for Powerwash VR simulator In January, as CEO Kirsti Rigden said this version is being lost. Futurlab re -appoints members of his VR team to other roles.
This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/gaming/powerwash-simulator-2-will-arrive-later-tis-kay-164534571.html?src=sSS