Police, Surfer’s Western Australia ‘Get by Shark Peace’ Says Wild Nature News

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Look for a recovery transaction after the evidence of the bite marks found in the Surf Council.

Australian police rescued a surfing panel that follows “bite marks” followed by a “bite marks” by a missing surfer, search and rescue teams.

Sacrifice – Australian media determined by 37-year-old Steven Payne – he said that the police were on Tuesday, while surfing Western Australia’s distant territory.

This is the fourth of Australia, the attack of a deadly shark in recent months.

“I can confirm that our search is a rescue, no rescue,” “Western Australian Police company Sergeant Christopher Taylor, Surfer’s body was not restored.

“The Western Australian police have been restored in a separate statement on Tuesday,” Western Australian police said in a separate statement on Tuesday.

According to the media, a shark was seen in water before the attack in Wharton’s beach, and the screams from the area surfing the man’s afternoon were heard.

Australia’s 7news network, when the victim was attacked, about 50 meters (164 feet) from the coast with about two surferers (164 feet) are in deep water. Police said they could not do anything to help other surfers.

In February, a shark killed a 17-year-old girl by swimming an Australian Island in the east, and a 28-year-old surfed a month ago in South Australia a month ago.

On December 28, a shark is deadly as a 40-year-old man in his neck, as he left Queensland.

File - This 28th April 2020 photos, surfers traveling on the beach in Sydney, Australia. Police in Australia attacked a 60-year-old surf and 10-meter shark in the northern South Wales province and was killed. (AP Photo / Rick Rycroft, File)
Surfers walk along a beach in Sydney, Australia in April 2020 (Rick Rycoft / AP Photo)

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