Openai talks to government officials about his deepeek probe
Openai says he spoke with government officials about his continued Deepseek investigation.
Chatgpt manufacturer earlier claims that there is evidence that Deepseek trains their AI models using incorrectly obtained Openai API data. During a Interview with Bloomberg TV On Monday, the Chief Openai Global Affairs, Chris Lehan, said the company had talked to government officials about the survey.
Some of them criticize Openai for hypocrisy here. Several publishers are suing a training of their AI copyright models. But now Openai is aimed at Deepseek for the apparent training of its AI model results.
Lenhan said there was a difference. He likens Openai’s learning to read a library book and learn from it, while Deepseek methods are more recently like placing a new cover of a library book and selling it as its own.
The latter is not far from New York Times argument in her copyright case Against Openai.